h1. app-client.proto No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) *Version:* 3 ---- {toc:printable=true|style=square|minLevel=2|maxLevel=3|type=list|outline=false|include=.*} h2. Endpoints h3. findCloudlet {status:colour=Yellow|title=post|subtle=false} {code} post /v1/findcloudlet {code} *Summary:* *Description:* h4. Parameters h5. Body Parameter ||Name||Description||Required||Default||Pattern|| |body | |(/) | | | h4. Responses *Status Code:* 200 *Message:* A successful response. {code:title=Response Type} distributed_match_engineFindCloudletReply {code} See [#models] {code:title=Response Schema |collapse=true} { "description" : "A successful response.", "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/distributed_match_engineFindCloudletReply" } } {code} ---- h3. registerClient {status:colour=Yellow|title=post|subtle=false} {code} post /v1/registerclient {code} *Summary:* *Description:* h4. Parameters h5. Body Parameter ||Name||Description||Required||Default||Pattern|| |body | |(/) | | | h4. Responses *Status Code:* 200 *Message:* A successful response. {code:title=Response Type} distributed_match_engineRegisterClientReply {code} See [#models] {code:title=Response Schema |collapse=true} { "description" : "A successful response.", "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/distributed_match_engineRegisterClientReply" } } {code} ---- h3. verifyLocation {status:colour=Yellow|title=post|subtle=false} {code} post /v1/verifylocation {code} *Summary:* *Description:* h4. Parameters h5. Body Parameter ||Name||Description||Required||Default||Pattern|| |body | |(/) | | | h4. Responses *Status Code:* 200 *Message:* A successful response. {code:title=Response Type} distributed_match_engineVerifyLocationReply {code} See [#models] {code:title=Response Schema |collapse=true} { "description" : "A successful response.", "schema" : { "$ref" : "#/definitions/distributed_match_engineVerifyLocationReply" } } {code} ---- h2. Models h3. Distributed_match_engineAppPort ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| |proto | |distributed_match_engineLProto | | |internal_port | |Integer | | |public_port | |Integer | | |public_path | |String |Public facing path for HTTP L7 access. | |FQDN_prefix | |String |FQDN prefix to append to base FQDN in FindCloudlet response. May be empty. | h3. Distributed_match_engineFindCloudletReply ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| |Ver | |Long | | |status | |FindCloudletReplyFindStatus | | |FQDN | |String | | |ports | |array[distributed_match_engineAppPort] | | |cloudlet_location | |distributed_match_engineLoc | | h3. Distributed_match_engineFindCloudletRequest ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| |Ver | |Long | | |SessionCookie | |String | | |CarrierName | |String | | |GpsLocation | |distributed_match_engineLoc | | |DevName | |String | | |AppName | |String | | |AppVers | |String | | h3. Distributed_match_engineLProto ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| h3. Distributed_match_engineLoc ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| |latitude | |Double | | |longitude | |Double | | |horizontal_accuracy | |Double | | |vertical_accuracy | |Double | | |altitude | |Double | | |course | |Double | | |speed | |Double | | |timestamp | |distributed_match_engineTimestamp | | h3. Distributed_match_engineRegisterClientReply ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| |Ver | |Long | | |Status | |distributed_match_engineReplyStatus | | |SessionCookie | |String | | |TokenServerURI | |String | | h3. Distributed_match_engineRegisterClientRequest ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| |Ver | |Long | | |DevName | |String | | |AppName | |String | | |AppVers | |String | | |CarrierName | |String | | |AuthToken | |String | | h3. Distributed_match_engineReplyStatus ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| h3. Distributed_match_engineTimestamp ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| |seconds | |String | | |nanos | |Integer | | h3. Distributed_match_engineVerifyLocationReply ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| |ver | |Long | | |tower_status | |VerifyLocationReplyTower_Status | | |gps_location_status | |VerifyLocationReplyGPS_Location_Status | | |GPS_Location_Accuracy_KM | |Double | | h3. Distributed_match_engineVerifyLocationRequest ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| |Ver | |Long | | |SessionCookie | |String | | |CarrierName | |String | | |GpsLocation | |distributed_match_engineLoc | | |VerifyLocToken | |String | | h3. FindCloudletReplyFindStatus ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| h3. VerifyLocationReplyGPS_Location_Status ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description|| h3. VerifyLocationReplyTower_Status ||Field Name||Required||Type||Description||