10:22:27 From Tina Tsou : https://jira.onap.org/login.jsp?permissionViolation=true&os_destination=https%3A%2F%2Fjira.onap.org%2Fplugins%2Fservlet%2Fmobile&page_caps=&user_role=USER 10:22:51 From Tina Tsou : Container Optimization & Multi-Architecture Support 10:23:22 From Tina Tsou : CIA real time progress report is now available online and it can be found ​here​. 10:31:13 From Zack Williams : I logged into this page, but it said "No issues found for this filter" - is there a different link, or specific Jira epic/task in ONAP? 10:33:00 From Tina Tsou : You need to use your Jira account to log in. there are around 96 tickets. 10:35:54 From Zack Williams : Hmm, I'm able to log in and see tickets, but most of the time Jira filters are private unless shared. Is there a specific ONAP board that these tickets were shared on? https://jira.onap.org/secure/ManageRapidViews.jspa 10:41:15 From Tina Tsou : your email address? 10:43:50 From Ciprian Barbu (Enea) : https://wiki.akraino.org/display/AK/IEC+Blueprints+Installation+Overview 10:43:54 From Ciprian Barbu (Enea) : https://wiki.akraino.org/display/AK/IEC+Blueprints+Installation+Overview 10:46:07 From Tina Tsou : Zack, I sent an email to Adolfo, and cc’ed you. 10:48:34 From Zack Williams : Thanks Tina!