
This page is about work in progress regarding REC validation and testing, more information should be added in the near future.

The external validation labs in AT&T lab (Middletown, NJ) had successfully validating REC installation which identified by HP Gen 10 and Nokia OE clusters. 

Test cases to validate post-install for REC

1.Verify that the deployment completed successfully.

Enter the following command:

tail -f /srv/deployment/log/bootstrap.log

In the command output the following text is present: Installation complete, Installation Succeeded.

2. Docker Version Test:

#docker --version

Expected Output: Docker version 18.09.2, build 6247962

3. Kubernetes Cluster – check Health/validation

# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Expected Output: status of all the pods should be running

4.Verify that CaaS-required system services are in active (running) state.

Enter the following commands:

systemctl status --no-pager docker.service status

systemctl status --no-pager kubelet.service status

Expected Output: both statuses should be shown as active

Step example:

● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running)

5.Verify that CaaS nodes operate fine.

Enter the following commands:

kubectl get no --no-headers | grep -v Ready

The command output shows nothing.

kubectl get no --no-headers | wc -l

The command output shows the number of CaaS nodes.

6.Verify that CaaS components are running with no errors.

Enter the following command:

kubectl get po --no-headers --namespace=kube-system --field-selector status.phase!=Running

The command output shows nothing.

7.Verify that CaaS is capable to install applications via its package manager (Helm).

·       image=$(docker images -f 'reference=*/rec/hypercube' --format="{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}"); docker rmi $image; docker pull $image

The command output is Status: Downloaded newer image for …

·       curl -sS -XGET --cacert /etc/chart-repo/ssl/ca.pem --cert /etc/chart-repo/ssl/chart-repo?.pem --key /etc/chart-repo/ssl/chart-repo?-key.pem

The command output is a yaml file.

·       helm list

The command output is caas-infra.

Additional Testing

More testing cases will be added in the near future. For example, 

1.Installing RIC on top of REC 

2. RIC robot test 

3. Nanobot 
