
 We had manually verified some of validation test in the external validation labs in AT&T lab (Middletown, NJ) which had successfully validating REC installation identified by HP Gen 10 and Nokia OE clusters. 

Post-install validation

A post installation verification is required to ensure that all nodes and services were properly deployed.

You need to establish an ssh connection to the controller’s VIP address and login with administrative rights.

1. Verify Deployment Success.

Enter the following command:

#tail /srv/deployment/log/bootstrap.log

You should see: Installation complete, Installation Succeeded.

2. Docker Version Test:

#docker --version

Expected Output: Docker version 18.09.2, build 6247962

3. Kubernetes Cluster – check Health/validation

# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Expected Output: status of all the pods should be running

4. Confirm active state of required services

Enter the following commands:

#systemctl status --no-pager docker.service

#systemctl status --no-pager kubelet.service


systemctl status --no-pager docker.service* docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine  

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)  

Active: active (running)    

5. Verify node functionality

Enter the following commands:

#kubectl get no --no-headers | grep -v Ready

Output:  The command output shows nothing.

#kubectl get no --no-headers | wc -l

Output:  The command output shows the number of CaaS nodes.

6. Verify Components

Enter the following command:

#kubectl get po --no-headers --namespace=kube-system --field-selector status.phase!=Running

Output:  The command output shows nothing.

7. Confirm Package Manager Status (Helm)

image=$(docker images -f 'reference=*/rec/hypercube' --format="{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}"); docker rmi $image; docker pull $image

Output:  Status: Downloaded newer image for …

curl -sS -XGET --cacert /etc/chart-repo/ssl/ca.pem --cert /etc/chart-repo/ssl/chart-repo?.pem

--key /etc/chart-repo/ssl/chart-repo?-key.pem

Output:  output is a yaml file.

helm list

Output:  caas-infra.

Additional Testing

More detail of each testing cases will be added in the near future. For example

1. Install RIC Robot test on top of REC

This set of tests which created a deploy-able robot container for testing robot test cases for RIC. It adds the interfaces to RIC applications and then to turn them into test cases. It is used an initial view of the Xapp Manager REST Interface and some other references to the E2Manager interface.

2. Nanobot 

This is a second set of tests which run as a job and then give a robot test report. The deployment steps are very similar than the RIC Robot test since we already in the test git so its already cloned as part of deploying ric_robot_suite. Instead of pulling an image from azure, we will build the container.