
This wiki describes the specifications for integration of Baremetal operator required for the Integrated Cloud Native Akraino project. 

Overview of Baremetal Provisioning:

ICN architecture has a bootstrap cluster in all the edge location, this k8s cluster is used to do provisioning of compute nodes in the edge location.

Feature requirement of Baremetal provisioning

  1. Bootstrap cluster should maintain the under cloud structure - adding new node and remove of node from the compute cluster
  2. Bootstrap cluster should be aware of hardware platform awareness(HPA) of the compute node cluster to make intelligence decision of allocating the nodes in the compute cluster
  3. Bootstrap cluster should keep the nodes in the ready state for provisioning and de-provisioning

Each bootstrap cluster has 3 distinguished networks one for bare-metal networking, provisioning network and ipmi lan network as show below:

Bootstrap cluster will be in the jump machine, it has 3 interfaces, eno1 interface NIC support IPMI, eno2 for provisioning and eht0 for the bare-metal networking. 

Baremetal operator:

ICN stack uses metal3 baremetal operator to do node provisioning in the bootstrap cluster. Baremetal operator runs as deployments in bootstrap cluster, gets the OS image details and baremetal server ipmi details in the edge location to do the provisioning. Baremetal operator uses Ironic as a provisioning agent. 

Baremetal operator has the following components

Baremetal Host Custom Resource Definition(CRD)