Here is our current plan for the µMEC setup in the Akraino MEC Hackathon on November 18, 2019. The event happens at the same week as Kubecon, has an ETSI label, and is short, so the constraints are

The challenge

The grand purpose of the Hackathon is to demonstrate the power of edge computing. There are three benefits for doing computing at the edge, and we hope to demonstrate these:

  1. Edge computing can provide better latencies, especially for AR/VR applications or interactive gaming
  2. Processing at the edge can reduce the amount of data that has to transmitted to a central site
  3. Edge can host different sensors at the edge

The setup is that there is a base station, like a 5G gNB, and a small computer (µMEC) attached to it, and some of the traffic is routed through the µMEC. The end user can

The exact scenario will be revealed at the event. As an imaginary scene, we can imagine providing services for visitors and employees in a zoo. We could have apps that provide extra information about an animal, shows what the animals have been up to, or tell the zookeepers how active the animal has been and what it has been eating.

The ETSI MEC standard interfaces in the Hackathon include:

The developers can


In order to make the setup of the event as simple as possible, we will use

The Raspberrys will all be connected as worker nodes in a single Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes master will either run in one of the Raspberrys or in the PC.

Example material

There will be example applications that can be used as a basis for development, to speed things up. The first example app will be based on Javascript code that implements a Web server, using the standard JS web server. The web server will server html5 code that takes a screenshot or video with the users camera, and sends the result to the server.  

The second example app will be a simple container that accesses the camera on the µMEC and sends temperature to a database on the PC.


The infrastructure available to developers will include

We have also discussed about