Instructions for MANUAL installation Airship+Tungsten Fabric using the Regional Controller and the TF Blueprint


Both nodes must be available by ssh. 

This document describes detailed manual installation procedure. As an option you can use Automatic deployment with ansible to get the same environment as used for CICD validation.


Akraino Regional Controller  is necessary part of release 2 deployment procedure. It's Akraino approved blueprint which is common for all of release 2 blueprints and which is using for Edge Site, Blueprint and POD deployment.

After creating the POD Regional Controller creates WORKFLOW that initiates remote installation Airship with TungstenFabric.

More information about Regional Controller:

If you already have Regional Controller you can use it for deployment and if you don't have it you can install it following the instruction bellow

Installing the Regional Controller

You can use  any machine or VM dedicated for this purpose. See instructions on how to start the regional controller.

After you have a working Regional Controller you have to login on it and follow the steps bellow

Steps to manual installation of  TungstenFabric Blueprint

All this steps must be done on Regional Controller

Clone the nc/tf repository using 

git clone

Setup ssh keys and put them on web-server 

Regional Controller goes to the remote node by ssh, so it needs ssh private key. It can be provided as http URL.  (It's not secure for production, it's only OK for the demo).

Put ssh private key and script on some web server. Ssh public key must be written to the .ssh/authorized_keys on remote node.

Hint: python provisional web server can be used on the localhost. Use python3 -m http.server

 Edit the file 

Update all the environment variables 

Mandatory variables:

(the login/password shown here are the built-in values and do not need to be changed, if you have not changed them on the Regional Controller):

#Regional Controler (ip address or FQDN)
export RC_HOST=
#Regional Controler credentials
export RC_USER=admin
export RC_PW=admin123

#Node for airship remote deployment (ip address or FQDN)
export NODE=

#ssh user for aisrship remote deployment
export SSH_USER=ubuntu
#File with private ssh key (public key must be added into the node for auth)
export SSH_KEY=ssh_key.pem

#web server for downloading scripts and ssh key
#simpliest way is running "python3 -m http.server" in current directory
export BASE_URL=

#repo URL and branch for treasuremap with tungstenfabric
export REPO_URL=
export REPO_BRANCH=master

Generate yaml files from templates

cat objects.yaml.env | envsubst > objects.yaml
cat TF_blueprint.yaml.env | envsubst > TF_blueprint.yaml 

As the result you would get correct yaml files objects.yaml and TF_blueprint.yaml

ubuntu@ip-172-31-37-160:/opt/akraino-tf$ cat objects.yaml
    uuid: 5367a004-71d4-11e9-8bda-0017f00dbff7
    description: AWS Ubuntu Xenial for the TF Blueprint
      todo: AWS instance with >=8 VCPU and >=32GB RAM

    description: The demo singlenode TF cluster
    nodes: [ node1 ]
    regions: [ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ]

    hardware: AWS_instance

ubuntu@ip-172-31-37-160:/opt/akraino-tf$ cat TF_blueprint.yaml
blueprint: 1.0.0
name: TF Edge Cloud
version: 1.0.0
description: This Blueprint defines an instance of the TF Edge Cloud 
  # Required hardware profiles (can match on either UUID or name)
  # Note: UUIDs would likely require a global registry of HW profiles.
      - { uuid: 5367a004-71d4-11e9-8bda-0017f00dbff7 }
    # Workflow that is invoked when the POD is created
      url: ''
        # SSH key for remote installation
        - ''
        rc_host: { type: string }
        ssh_user: {type: string }
        node: {type: string }
        repo_url: {type: string }
        repo_branch: {type: string }

Clone the api-server repository (if it's not cloned yet).

This provides the CLI tools used to interact with the Regional Controller. Add the scripts from this repository to your PATH:

git clone
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/api-server/scripts

Load the objects

Load objects defined in objects.yaml into the Regional Controller using:

rc_loaddata -H $RC_HOST -u $RC_USER -p $RC_PW -A objects.yaml

Load the blueprint

Load the blueprint  into the Regional Controller using:

rc_cli -H $RC_HOST -u $RC_USER -p $RC_PW blueprint create TF_blueprint.yaml

Get and export UUIDs

Get the UUIDs of the edgesite and the blueprint from the Regional Controller using:

rc_cli -H $RC_HOST -u $RC_USER -p $RC_PW blueprint list
rc_cli -H $RC_HOST -u $RC_USER -p $RC_PW edgesite list

These are needed to create the POD. You will also see the UUID of the Blueprint displayed when you create the Blueprint in step 8 (it is at the tail end of the URL that is printed).
Set and export them as the environment variables ESID and BPID.

export ESID=<UUID of edgesite in the RC>
export BPID=<UUID of blueprint in the RC>

Generate POD.yaml

cat POD.yaml.env | envsubst > POD.yaml

As the result you get correct POD.yaml

name: My_TF_Edge_Cloud_POD
description: Put a description of the POD here.
blueprint: 76c27993-1cc3-471d-8d32-45f1c7c7a753
edgesite: 52783249-45e2-4e34-831d-c46ff5170ae5
  ssh_user: ubuntu
  repo_branch: master

Please check that file POD.yaml contains correct data.

Create the POD

Create the POD using

rc_cli -H $RC_HOST -u $RC_USER -p $RC_PW pod create POD.yaml

This will cause the POD to be created, and the workflow script to be
run on the Regional Controller's workflow engine. This in turn will login to remote node by ssh
and install airship+ tungstenfabric demo on it

Checking POD status

If you want to monitor ongoing progess of the installation, you can issue periodic calls
to monitor the POD with:

rc_cli -H $RC_HOST -u $RC_USER -p $RC_PW pod show $PODID

where $PODID is the UUID of the POD. This will show all the messages logged by the workflow, as well as the current status of the workflow. The status will be WORKFLOW while the workflow is running, and will change to ACTIVE if the workflow completes successfully, or FAILED, if the workflow fails.