
what is Virtlet

    Virtlet is a Kubernetes CRI (Container Runtime Interface) implementation for running VM-based pods on Kubernetes clusters. (CRI is what enables Kubernetes to run non-Docker flavors of containers, such as Rkt.) For the sake of simplicity of deployment, Virtlet itself runs as a DaemonSet, essentially acting as a hypervisor and making the CRI proxy (Provides the possibility of mixing docker-shim and VM based workloads on the same k8s node) available to run the actual VMs This way, it’s possible to have both Docker and non-Docker pods run on the same node.



VM Pod Lifecycle



Virtlet is used to create a virtual machine to support some necessary features needed by ICN. In ICN use case we need IpSec to finish some functions. So using QAT devices to speed up the connections is important. But after tests, I found that virtlet doesn't recognize the qat vf device.


To solve these problems, we should first have a clear knowledge of device plugin. A related concept for device plugin is kubernetes extended-resources. In conclusion, By sending a patch node request to the kubernetes apiserver, a custom resource type is added to the node, which is used for the quota statistics of the resource and the corresponding QoS configuration.


To send a patch node request conveniently, we first execute kube proxy command to start it temporarily, then add six resource to a node (~1 in the commands will automatically transform into /):

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" \
--request PATCH \
--data '[{"op": "add", "path": "/status/capacity/", "value": "6"}]' \

Now we extend 6 resources for your node, then we can see 

kubectl describe node xxx
: ephemeral-storage: 3650656984Ki cpu: 72 memory: 263895388Ki 6
pods:                110

Now we can use these resources in our pod by adding "1" to spec.containers.resources.requests/limits and the pod will be scheduled with statistics.

To clean up the extended resources, execute the following commands:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" \
--request PATCH \
--data '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/status/capacity/"}]' \

Device plugin


Kubernetes provides to vendors a mechanism called device plugins to finish the following three tasks, device plugins are simple gRPC servers that may run in a container deployed through the pod mechanism or in bare metal mode.

service DevicePlugin {
	// returns a stream of []Device
	rpc ListAndWatch(Empty) returns (stream ListAndWatchResponse) {}
	rpc Allocate(AllocateRequest) returns (AllocateResponse) {}

Why device plugin

How it works

In kubernetes, kubelet will offer a register gRPC server which allows device plugin register itself to kubelet. When registing itself to kubelet, it will notify kubelet of the following information:

  1. Its own unix socket name, which will receive the requests from kubelet through the gRPC apis.
  2. The api version of device plugin itself
  3. The resource name offered by the device pluigin. The resource name must follow a specified format. such as

After successful registration, kubelet will call the ListAndWatch function from device plugin. A ListAndWatch function is for the kubelet to Discover the devices and their properties as well as notify of any status change (device became unhealthy)

Enable QAT supported by virtlet

Bug detection in source code

