A blueprint family which showcases end-to-end solution for edge offloading with KubeEdge edge stack. The first release will focus on the ML inference offloading use case. 

KubeEdge is a CNCF sandbox project widely adopted as a key industry reference Edge Computing architecture. With KubeEdge, application vendors can push a wide range of applications at the edge, including Mobile Edge services. It is an upstream project to Akraino community. There are other Akraino Blueprint projects with KubeEdge incorporated. This project family will focus on solutions centered around KubeEdge. Future releases may incorporate various components, e.g. hardware infrastructure etc. 

Case Attributes





Blueprint Family 

KubeEdge Offloading Family

Use Case

Emotion Identification Inference Offloading

Blueprint proposed

Edge ML Inference Offloading

Initial POD Cost (capex)

Less than 100KUSD


Multi-server; 5U Rack; 42U Rack


Application offloading from devices to edge

Power Restrictions

Less than 50KW

Preferred Infrastructure   orchestration

OpenStack - VM orchestration

KubeEdge performs application orchestration

OS - Linux

VNF Orchestration - ONAP

Additional Details

Submitter to provide additional use case   details




 Committer Contact Info

Committer Bio

Committer Picture

Self Nominate for PTL (Y/N)

Jane ShenFuturewei jane.shen@futurewei.com

Yin DingFutureweiyin.ding@futurewei.com