Project Brief - What is Kontour ?

As the edge adoption increases, clear definitions of the Edge KPIs are required to match the application to an Edge infrastructure/BP with the required capability. Different edge applications may require different characteristics from the Edge site, for example low latency, very high throughput and so on. With growing number of edge sites catering to different needs and use-cases, there needs to be a categorisation of edge sites based on certain criteria. There may be certain other requirements like security, encryption etc. Project Kontour targets to define Edge KPIs for the plethora of edge applications.

Use Case Details:

Use CaseRequirementsKPI (Example*)
Video camera transmitting security footage.
  • Ultra low latency
  • High upload network throughput.

ULTRA_LOW_LATENCY: Latency range should be 0-2 milliseconds.

HIGH_UPLOAD_THPUT: Upload throughput should be 10-100 Gbps

Retail advertising targeting ads and information

for retail organisations

  • High computing (for encryption)
  • Low upload network throughput.

HIGH_IPS: Instructions/second processing should be of the order of 2000-4000

HIGH_PIPS: Parallel instructions/second processing should be of the order of 4000-8000 

LOW_UPLOAD_THPUT: Upload throughput should be 100 Mbps - 1 Gbps

*The values listed here are only for illustrative purpose only.


  1. Identify and define KPIs for edge applications. These should also be measurable. When we say ultra low latency, the range for this latency should be defined and measurable(via tests). This will benefit in selecting multiple edge sites based for an application and lead to availability and cost savings.
  2. Identify and categorise edge sites based on their capabilities. Define minimum capabilities for a site to be called as an Edge Site. These capabilities could be – Services, APIs, Orchestration, Hardware specs (basic set) etc. ?
  3. Categorise edge sites - Identify categories of edge sites and define a criteria for categorisation.




Email addressSelf Nominate for PTL (Y/N)
Arif KhanVoerEir ABarif@voereir.comY
Manik SidanaVoerEir
Kandan KathirvelAT&
Deepak KatariaAT&
