When: Friday, 06:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)



Meeting Content (minutes / recording / slides / other):


1. Ealt-edge demo
- check high level code struct, flow and useas of tf/opencv
- check for hardware support and try to compile and run and test input/output
2. Https enable with cert automated by cert-manager and vault
- done and related code is checked
3. production and development mode support
- CLI code changes done and ansiable changes in progress
4. documentation
- certmanger/vault steps/readme -- done. need to checkin
- mepagent, kong and mepserver - in progress
5. kong on ARM support
- follow with kong guys


1. Work on Demo for Blueprint to continue next week. Currently Analysis and Trial is being done with Face Recognition project. 
2. Open security issues in test report to be worked on after release. Srini and Feng can work together on that. 
3. Checking for Maturity for the Blueprint, 
4. Quotes to be checked with Jill for Release - 3. 
5. Security feature testing to continue, artifacts can be committed after Release. 


Agenda & MoM: 

Agenda & MoM: 

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Agenda & Mom: 

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