27 March 2020 / 9:00 AM PDT / Zoom meeting


Tina Tsou, Jane Shen, Jiafeng Zhu, Neal Oliver, Tim Epkes, Dan Druta, Jeff Brower

Meeting Notes - Brower


Last Meeting Follow-up

Jane led off by explaining that API subcommittee meetings from this point forward include Developer Facing API and Infrastructure work streams, with 30 min allocated to each, but flexible depending on subjects at hand and members in attendance

New Business

Jane presented slides "API Work Item Request for Feedback". The slide "Mobile Edge Stack Strategies" sparked discussion about the telco - OTT interface and potential "Edge Enabler" APIs exposed by this interface: what do those look like, are they mostly IP bridging functions, or do they include more in order to leverage coming 5G features


1) The slide presentation showed:

2) Tim pointed out the slides contain useful new info but lack mention of organization and subdivision based on telco regulatory requirements. For example, OTT app support and infrastructure will likely be run on segregated hardware and systems in order to comply with federally mandated reliability requirements imposed on telco systems.  Based on his experience, he gave an example of a "wild west" gaming application that brought down servers handling EPC packet forwarding. This included discussion about:

3) Further discussion included different boundaries between an operator on the one hand, and edge apps and services on the other, differentiated by sharing/co-location relationships:

4) Looking forward, Jane proposed a series of whitepapers, rather than one big one.  No specific timetable or individual responsibilities were given yet.  Neal had a number of questions about whitepaper content.

Action Items

1) Request for feedback closes next week.

2) Specifics are needed on whitepaper dates and content.