This document covers  Integrated Edge Cloud(IEC) Type 2.

Integrated Edge Cloud(IEC) is an Akraino approved blueprint family and part of Akraino Edge Stack, which intends to develop a fully integrated edge infrastructure solution, and the project is completely focused towards Edge Computing. This open source software stack provides critical infrastructure to enable high performance, reduce latency, improve availability, lower operational overhead, provide scalability, address security needs, and improve fault management. The IEC project will address multiple edge use cases and industry, not just Telco Industry. IEC intends to develop solution and support of carrier, provider, and the IoT networks. 

Use Case

The purpose of this release is to automate the provisioning of ultra low latency light weight micro-MEC (μMEC) environment on AWS cloud and centrally manage multiple μMECs from a single dashboardμMEC run on low foot print hardware and can cater to mission critical workloads. It takes an opinionated approach to spinning up an environment with pre-built configuration that are ready to use. It is cost effective compared to a fully configurable MEC environment as the and can be setup quickly. 

Overall Architecture


Microk8s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution from Canonical that delivers a complete Kubernetes experience for IoT and micro cloud environments. Its zero-ops capability offers all the Kubernetes networking and storage configurations out of the box with built-in add ons for serverless (knative) and machine learning workloads (kubeflow) etc. More info:

Installing and configuring microk8s leverages Canonical’s Snap package manager which can stand up a Kubernetes cluster through a single command under a minute. As of microk8s version 1.21, a snap installer consumes as little as 192 MB RAM and the Kubernetes distribution consumes as little as 540 MB, making it an attractive solution to run on edge devices that are less than 1GM of RAM.


Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code (IaaC) tool by Hashicorp that automates the provisioning of data centre or cloud infrastructure. Using terraform AWS provider plugin one can programatically build, configure and manage the lifecycle of a micro cloud on AWS.


gopaddle is a No Code platform for managing Cloud Native Workloads. Using gopaddle, Terraform templates can be managed centrally and reused to provision multiple decentralized  microclouds across different AWS regions. Due to the low code nature of the platform, developers can build cloud native workloads with ease and deploy much faster. gopaddle offers pre-built templates for monitoring and logging like Prometheus, Grafana and EFK stack.


Storidge is a highly available persistent storage for K8s with auto-failover & recovery. Storidge automates storage infrastructure as code, delivering a persistent storage platform for Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. Storidge’s software enables automated storage orchestration including provisioning, application performance, data consistency and data protection via software.  Storidge’s storage orchestrator enables stress-free storage administration for modern DevOps workflows.

EdgeX Foundry

EdgeX Foundry is a Middleware for dual processing of data to/from edge devices.  It takes the sensor input from the devices and delivers it to the applications over the network to the end-users. Edgex Foundry has the microservices packed as docker images. EdgeX can be installed using the docker-compose file or from the snap store in a Linux environment. 

AWS Wavelength provides a consistent AWS experience across cloud and edge environments by extending a the AWS resources like EC2, VPC services to the 5G Edge Network. An AWS VPC can be extended to a wavelength zone that embed elastic compute and storage at the 5G edge network. Data intensive workloads, AI, and real time applications can now offer an immersive experience. Currently, Wavelength zones are limited to US, Japan and South Korea. Release 5 blueprint under consideration does not make use of Wavelength, however it can be extended to spin up a light weight MEC on Wavelength zones with additional Carrier Gateway configurations.

Blueprint System Requirements

Number of nodes3
Node Sizet4g.medium - 2vCPUs - 4 GiB Memory

Disks in Storidge HA Clustering mode 

3 Disks per node - 100 GB each.
VPCPre-existing VPC 
SubnetPublic (for now). Will switch to private subnet with Gateway configuration in future releases.
AMIUbuntu Server 18.04 LTS


Terraform Automation

Terraform takes two input files to automate the infrastructure provisioning and produces a state file at the end of the automation.

AWS Infrastructure

The below graph shows the infrastructure resources and their dependencies while provisioning the stack using terraform.



Master and Worker nodes are provisioned in this order:

We create an 'ALLOW ALL' ingress and egress rule security group. In the future releases, this will be configured dynamically based on user inputs.

ingress  {
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [""]
egress  {
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [""]