Demo of KubeEdge Federation & EdgeMesh functionality

  1. Deploy KubeEdge Federation, open source Karmada project
  2. Deploy KubeEdge open source EdgeMesh project

The demo consists of two distinct parts:

  1. First part of the demo demonstrates the KubeEdge Federation functionality using Karmada project. The demo essentially demonstrates how Karmada federation enables cloud-native applications (Kubernetes Pods) to run across multiple cloud Kubernetes clusters  with no changes to the underlying applications.
  2. Second part of the demo demonstrates the EdgeMesh functionality. The demo covers how EdgeMesh provides support for a simple network solution for the inter-communications between services at edge scenarios (east-west communication).
    1. >>> We need to clearly capture the use case being demoed, English in the video is not clear <<<

Demonstration Video

>>> Link here to the uploaded demo video <<<