Blueprint proposals should be submitted here.

All the information related to the proposal should be posted to a new page specific to each proposal and must:

        1. If the proposal is for a new Use Case include a completed Use Case template specific to the proposal.

        2. If the proposal includes a new Blueprint Family include a completed Blueprint Family template specific to the new Family .

        3. If the proposal includes a new Blueprint Species addition to an existing or new Blueprint Family include a completed Blueprint Species template specific to each Blueprint Species being submitted.

If the proposal is to add a new Family for an existing Use Case please identify the proposed Use Case.

If the proposal is to add a new Species for an existing Family please identify the proposed Family.

In addition add any other material needed to describe the proposal which is needed for the TSC assessment should be referenced or placed in the proposal's page(s).

Instruction to add a new page for each submission is below.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3: