Akraino Upstream Sub-Committee

Meeting logistics:

#4 January 25, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.



#3 January 11, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.




#2 December 14, 2018. 8-9 AM Pacific.



  1. Recap of the TSC F2F in Santa Clara, Dec 6-7, 2018.

    1. https://wiki.akraino.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6128947

  2. Time reconfirmed: Fridays of every other week from 8:00-9:00 Pacific.

    1. Dec 28 cancelled

    2. Next meeting is Jan 12, 2019

  3. SubCommittee work streams

    1. Blueprint series - invite for deep dive in each blueprint’s upstream projects

    2. JIRA best practice with upstream

      1. https://www.atlassian.com/blogarchives/jira-5-remote-issue-linking?_ga=2.155033144.1034039649.1544751473-664009150.1542144963

      2. Experimentations and learn. How does at&t doing with airship? Call for volunteer to find out more.

    3. Upstream project landscape infographics. Call for volunteers.

      1. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ccgdnk0f8X76iKxx12D4pYu764VR-3IoocG1wHx1ZPg/edit#slide=id.p

    4. Related organizations / communities liaison

      1. Exchange series - invite for introduction/liaison presentations

      2. E.g. TIP, ONAP, Openstack, K8S, EdgeX, ONF…

      3. Prepare a slide deck for Akraino presentation to these groups

    5. Other documentation

  4. AOB

#1 November 30, 2018. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  1. Introduction of new members/ attendance

    1. Wenjing Chu (huawei/chair)

    2. Tina Tsou (ARM)

    3. Bruce Jones (intel)

    4. Deepak S (intel)

    5. Yong Xin (radisys)

  2. Identify upstream projects

    1. JIRA and linking

      1. How to best report issues in Akraino JIRA, and potentially link them to the upstream projects’ JIRA systems?

    2. Suggest add an item in the template to report upstream projects

    3. A diagram highlighting main upstream components in the architecture

    4. Organize layers of upstream projects and their dependencies in some kind of graph/picture for easier understanding in a glance (landscape)

    5. List upstream communities that may be in scope for the proposed projects/blueprints. To be shared in Dec 6-7 F2F meeting in Santa Clara.

    6. Blueprint family: Network Cloud

      1. Unicycle: Airship, Openstack

      2. Rover: Airship, Openstack

      3. SEBA: Airship, CORD, ONAP

      4. Serverless: Airship, Kubeless

      5. IEC: Kubernetes, FD.IO/VPP, DPDK

      6. Edge video processing: Airship, Openstack, ONAP

      7. Tungsten Fabric: Airship, Openstack

  1. Blueprint family: ELIOT

    1. IoT gateway: Kubernetes, EdgeX, ONAP

    2. sd-wan/ucpe: Kubernetes, ONAP

    1. Blueprint family: KNI-E

      1. Kubernetes

    2. Blueprint family: micro-MEC

      1. Kubernetes

    3. Blueprint family: radio edge cloud

      1. Kubernetes

    4. Blueprint family: StarlingX Far Edge

      1. Far Edge: StarlingX and Openstack, Airship Armada,

      2. A diagram highlighting main upstream components in the architecture

    5. Feature project: CHOMP

      1. Airship, Kubernetes

  1. Schedule

    1. Conflict with another meeting - may shift for a week

    2. Cancel December 28 meeting (if we stay on the current week without a shift)

    3. First meeting in 2019 is Jan 11. (if we stay on the current week without a shift)

  2. Backlog topic suggestions

    1. Upstream project presentations - collaboration, liaison - in both directions

      1. Openstack edge WG

      2. Kubernetes edge WG

      3. ONAP edge WG

      4. TIP

      5. EdgeX

      6. ...

    2. Best practice in working with upstream

    3. Other industry organizations