This page is a draft page describing the Process Sub-Committee's recommendation on workable processes for BPs to graduate between states.

The different BP states are shown below:

Blueprint Graduation Reviews

Graduation reviews move a BP between the states of Proposed to Incubation to Mature to Core. 

Termination reviews move a BP from any state to Archived.

In order to make the process both practicable and non subjective a number of criteria (checks) are defined that must be met to graduate for each review.

This document describes the detailed process that the BP's PTL, sub-committees and TSC shall follow to conduct a graduation review.

The process is always initiated by the BP PTL and driven by the Process sub-committee with final approval by TSC vote.

Incubation Review

Current BP state: Proposed

Target BP state after TSC approval: Incubation

An Incubation review is requested by a proposer from any community member.


Maturity Review

Current BP state: Incubation

Target BP state after TSC approval: Mature

The Maturity review is initiated by the PTL to move their BP from the Incubation to Mature status in an Akraino release. This can occur at any time between two Akraino release dates.

The objective checks for the Mature review are defined in <link to Community Technical Document when criteria approved and updated>

Core Review

Current BP state: Mature

Target BP state after TSC approval: Core

The Core review is initiated by the PTL to move their BP from the Mature to Core status in an Akraino release. This can occur at any time between two Akraino release dates.

The Core review process is identical to that for Mature however the checks for the Core review differ slightly as defined in <link to Community Technical Document when criteria approved and updated>