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Key Name
public_net_nameThe name assigned to the OpenStack network that will be created and used by the ONAP VM. An existing network may be used by referencing its name here.
public_net_name: public
public_physical_net_provider_nameThe physical provider network name for the public network. CAUTION: If the physical provider network cannot be found, the automated deployment process will terminate with an error.
  # Assume vlan50 is the VLAN created 
# for the OpenStack Project (tenant)
public_physical_net_provider_name: vlan50
provider_segmentation_idThe VLAN tag of the physical provider network
  # Assume vlan50
provider_segmentation_id: 50
public_physical_net_typeThe physical network type. Specify VLAN or flat. NOTE:When flat is in use, provider_segmentation_id will be ignored. 
  public_physical_net_type: vlan
public_subnet_nameThe subnet name. An existing subnet may be used by referencing its name here.
  public_subnet_name: public-subnet
public_subnet_cidrThe subnet’s CIDR. The ONAP VM will be assigned an IP within this subnet. 
public_subnet_allocation_startThe allocation start of the IP pool. Together with public_subnet_allocation_end it defines the range of IPs assigned to VMs.
public_subnet_allocation_endThe allocation end of the IP pool. Together with public_subnet_allocation_start it defines the range of IPs assigned to VMs.
public_subnet_dns_nameserverThe subnet's DNS server
public_subnet_gateway_ipThe subnet's Gateway IP
flavor_nameVM flavor for the ONAP VM. The installation creates m1.onap, x1.onap, xx1.onap flavors, all of which are recommended for use.
  flavor_name: x1.onap
onap_vm_public_keyThe public key used to access the ONAP VM. A URL pointing to the key may be used here.
  onap_vm_public_key: PUBLIC_KEY
http_proxyOptional http proxy URL including port. If the network is accessible without a proxy, please leave empty.
https_proxyOptional https proxy URL including the port. If the network is accessible without a proxy, please leave empty.
no_proxyOptional list of domains, IPs, and CIDRs that do not require a proxy, separated by commas. Do not use spaces. If the network is accessible without a proxy, please leave empty.
keystone_admin_passwordThe keystone admin password. 
  keystone_admin_password: XXXXXXXX
onap_tenant_passwordThe keystone password for the ONAP project (formerly known as a tenant in OpenStack parlance). 
  onap_tenant_password: XXXXXXXX
onap_artifacts_http_repoOptional HTTP repository URL for ONAP artifacts. When deploying a self-contained Edge Node without Internet access, all ONAP artifacts must be downloaded from ONAP Nexus to a HTTP server, using this URL. If HTTP is not being used to download artifacts, please leave empty.


  1. Navigate to the add-ons page via the sidebar menu.
  2. Select a deployed site on the Install ONAP page.
  3. Choose Install ONAP to begin installation.
  4. The ONAP status changes to Complete once the job is finished.
  5. ONAP VM will be created successfully after the job is finished. It takes several hours until ONAP becomes operational.

Onboarding a Sample VNF

  1. Navigate to the Akraino Sites page.
  2. Select a deployed site. The VNF Onboard button becomes enabled.
  3. Choose VNF Onboard and supply the VNF Type.
  4. Choose Onboard to begin the sample VNF installation.

The Sample VNF creates an Apache Traffic Server cache instance and a Locust load generator client instance in the OpenStack environment for the selected site.  By default, the Sample VNF will create a heat stack name ats-demo.  The heat stack will contain two instances named ats-demo-client and ats-demo-server.  The default configuration of the server instance is to cache the Big Buck Bunny videos from the internet server and then serve the video to the client from its ramdisk. The heat stack will output the client and server URLs.  The client URL will display the Locust load generator dashboard.  The server URL will allow you to play the video in a browser.
