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  • Modify the BIOS including DHCP and PXE boot configuration by issuing Redfish API commands to the target server's iDRAC or iLO BMC 
  • Install and update an Ubuntu 16.04 operating system
  • Install Network Cloud Regional Controller specific software including
    • PostgreSQL DB
    • Camunda Workflow and Decision Engine
    • Akraino Web Portal
    • LDAP configuration
  • Install a number of supporting supplementary software components including
    • OpenStack Tempest tests
    • YAML builds
    • ONAP scripts
    • Sample VNFs

Preflight requirements


A detailed description of the entire networking setup can be found in the Network Architecture section of this release documentation <INSERT LINK>. In addition the networking configuration used in the validation labs is contained in the Validation Labs section of this release documentation <INSERT LINK>.

The target server must have connectivity to the internet to be able to download the necessary repos and packages during installation.

The build server must have IP connectivity to the target server's


dedicated BMC port using ports 80 (http) <is 80 actually used?> and 443 (https) in order to issue Redfish commands to configure the target server's BIOS settings. The target server's BMC IP address is denoted as <SRV_OOB_IP> in this guide. The target server's BMC must be manually preconfigured with the <SRV_OOB_IP> address.

After setting the target server's BIOS, the build server will then (usually) act as the DHCP server for the initial


target server's boot process. The target server will be automatically configured by the Redfish API commands to send its initial DHCP Request from one of its main NICs via the VLAN tagged 'host' network. Thus the target server's 'host' interface and the build server's DHCP server interface must be in the same broadcast domain


so that the DHCP Request broadcast frame will reach the build server. It is possible to remove the need for the build server and target server to be on the same L2 domain using features such as DHCP relay/helper functionality in the TOR to relay the target server's DHCP requests across an IP routed network however this has not been verified in the R1 release and this guide assumes the build and target servers to be on the same L2 broadcast domain as described.

A detailed description of the entire networking setup can be found in the Network Architecture section of this release documentation <INSERT LINK>. In addition the networking configuration used in the validation labs is contained in the Validation Labs section of this release documentation <INSERT LINK>.


Before starting to clone upstream repos and packages the build server must have the following pre-installed

  • Ubuntu Release 16.04
  • Latest version of the following apt packages:
    • docker    (used to run dhcp and web containers)
    • python    (used for redfish api calls to bare metal server)
    • python-requests    (used for redfish api calls to bare metal server)
    • python-pip    (used to install hpe redfish tools)
    • sshpass    (used to copy keys to new server)
    • xorriso    (used to extract Ubuntu files to web server)
    • make    (used to build custom ipxe efi file used during bare metal server boot)
    • gcc    (used to build custom ipxe efi file used during bare metal server boot)


When the RC is installed on a new bare metal server no software is required on the target server. All software will be installed from the build server and/or external repos via the internet.

Preflight checks

To verify the necessary networking connectivity from the build server to the target server's BMC confirm from the build server that at least port 443 is open to the target server'  iDRAC/iLO BMC IP address <SRV_OOB_IP>: 

build_server# #nmap -sS <SRV_OOB_IP>

build_server# nmap -sS <INSERT_IP ADDRESS>

Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2018-07-10 13:55 UTC Nmap scan report for <INSERT_IP ADDRESS> Host is up (0.00085s latency). Not shown: 996 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http 443/tcp open https 5900/tcp open vnc Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.77 seconds

Next, use nmap to check for a "clean slate" Bare Metal Server. The results will show the host as being down (due to no OS).

# nmap -sS
Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2018-07-10 13:55 UTC
Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn
Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 0.63 seconds

Verification of the Build Server and Bare Metal Server primary networks is beyond the scope of this guide.
