Versions Compared


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During the previous build server installation a generic template called serverrc.template was created on the build server in /opt/akraino/redfish/. This template should be used to create the deployment specific input file for the new RC. The example below is for a RC called aknode29.   <INSERT NODE NAME BELOW>

Code Block
root@build-server# mkdir -p /opt/akraino/server-config

root@build-server# #cp /opt/akraino/redfish/serverrc.template /opt/akraino/server-config/<new<NEW_RC_nodename>SRV_NAME>rc

root@build-server# cp /opt/akraino/redfish/serverrc.template /opt/akraino/server-config/<INSERT NODE NAME>aknode29rc

root@build-server# #vi /opt/akraino/server-config/<new<NEW_RC_SRV_nodename>NAME>rc

root@build-server# vi /opt/akraino/server-config/<INSERT NODE NAME>aknode29rc

The actual serverrc input file used in the validation labs to build their RCs is shown in the Validation Labs section of the release documentation <INSERT LINK>.

Deploying the RC 

Elevate yourself to root:
