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What Blueprints are available for the Regional Controller?

Presently there is only a Blueprint for the Radio Edge Cloud member of the Telco Appliance Blueprint Family.  However, Blueprints are being developed for the Rover and Unicycle projects in the Network Cloud Blueprint Family.

Akraino Edge Stack ProjectBlueprint Location
Radio Edge Cloud (Telco Appliance blueprint family)
Rover (Network Cloud Blueprint Family)TBD
Unicycle (Network Cloud Blueprint Family)TBD

What are the URL Endpoints of the Regional Controller?

https://<RC_IP_address>/api/v1/This is the base URL for all of the API calls to the Regional Controller.
https://<RC_IP_address>/docs/This is the address of an online copy of the documentation for the Regional Controller. Note that because this documentation is built along with the codebase, it is likely to be more up to date than this wiki.
http://<RC_IP_address>:8080/admin/This is the console for the embedded copy of Apache® Airflow that is used as the workflow engine within the Regional Controller.


As it is still being modified and in a state of flux, the full API is documented only in the online copy under https://<RC_IP_address>/docs/api.html

Alternately, you can clone the gerrit repository for the Regional Controller, and look at the markup files under /src/site/docs/.


adminadmin123create/read/update/delete allThis is the "super user" for RC; e.g. it has all roles and capabilities.
readonlyadmin123read allThis user has read only access; e.g. it can issue GET requests, but cannot change objects or make new objects.
workflowadmin123read all, create podeventsThis user is used internally in order to create POD events from within the workflows.
noaccessadmin123(none)This user has no access at all.


The status filed in the output shows the current status of the POD; WORKFLOW means that a workflow is currently running, and ACTIVE means the POD is active with no current workflow.

How are User passwords stored in the Database?

They are not stored in clear text; rather a SHA-256 hash is stored.  If you want to change the default passwords, or add your own users, you need to store the SHA-256 hash of the password in the PWHASH field in the database.  One way to generate this hash is:

Code Block
$ echo -n "$PASSWORD" | openssl sha256 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
(STDIN)= 240BE518FABD2724DDB6F04EEB1DA5967448D7E831C08C8FA822809F74C720A9