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Blueprint:  Multi-Server Cloud native NFV/App stack

Case Attributes





Blueprint Family - Proposed Name

Integrated Cloud Native NFV stack

Use Case

SDWAN,  Customer Edge,  Edge Clouds – deploy VNFs/CNFs and applications as micro-services

Blueprint proposed Name

Multi-server Cloud Native stack

Initial POD Cost (capex)

50K minimum

Scale & Type

Minimum of 4 Xeon Servers + 1 Xeon server as genesis


SDWAN,  ML/DL Analytics, EdgeXFoundry and 360 degree Video streaming

Power Restrictions

Infrastructure orchestration

Bare Metal Provisioning :  ironic or equivalent

Kubernetes provisioning :  Cluster Operator with KuD.

Docker for containers and Virtlet for VMs

Service Orchestration : ONAP

MEC framework: OpenNESS

Site orchestrator :  Kubernetes upstream

Traffic Orchestration within a cluster: ISTIO

Traffic orchestration with external entities : ISTIO-ingress

Knative for function orchestration

Expose HW accelerators

Storage Orchestration: Ceph with Rook

Futrue: AF-XDP for packet processing based containers, OpenShift for site orchestrator, Kubevirt for VMs.


OVN, SRIOV, Flannel

Workload Type

Containers, VMs and functions

Additional Details


eBPF based CNI (such as PolyCube)

CommitterCommitter CompanyCommitter Contact InfoCommitter BioCommitter PictureSelf Nominate for PTL (Y/N)

• Kuralamudhan Ramakrishnan is working as a Senior Software Engineer in Intel, Oregon has specialized in the field of Networking, storage and data management and worked in Telco industries.
• His area of interest is in Service Orchestration(ONAP), Resource Orchestration(Kubernetes), Container networking, Cloud Native Application networking. Currently contributor in CNI (Container Networking Interface ) and in Kubernetes Networking and Compute.
• He created a Multi Network plugin in CNI called "Multus" CNI to support Multi-Homed pod in Kubernetes and "SRIOV-DPDK CNI" and "Userspace CNI" working in Kubernetes Networking in Intel, worked on Kubernetes compute on power management
• Very specialised in Kubernetes network and computing projects. Presented his Cloud native work in various International conferences. 

• Kura's LinkedIn - link

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