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Comment: Baremetal UPI automated deploy instructions


Code Block
kind: SiteConfig
 name: notImportantHere


This is the directory that will contain all the customizations for the basic cluster deployment. You could create patches for modifying number of masters/workers, network settings... everything that needs to be modified on cluster deployment time. It needs to have a basic kustomization.yaml file, that will reference the same level file for the blueprint. And you could create additional patches following kustomize syntax:

Code Block
- git::

02_cluster_addons and 03_services

Follow same structure as 01_cluster_mods, but in this case is for adding additional workloads after cluster deployment. They also need to have a kustomization.yaml file that references the file of the same level for the blueprint, and can include additional resources and patches.

How to deploy

The whole deployment workflow is based on knictl CLI tool that this repository is providing.

1. Fetch requirements for a site.

You need to have a site repository with the structure described above. Then, first thing is to fetch the requirements needed for the blueprint that the site references. This is achieved by:

Code Block
./knictl fetch_requirements 

Where the first argument references a site repository, following syntax. This will download the site repository, and will create a folder with the site name inside $HOME/.kni . It will also fetch all the binaries needed, and will store them inside $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements folder.

2. Prepare manifests for a site

NOTE: Before performing this step, you must copy your OpenShift pull secret into your build path (i.e. to ~/.kni/pull-secret.json).

Next step is to run a procedure to prepare all the manifests for deploying a site. This is achieved by applying kustomize on the site repository, combining that with the base manifests for the blueprint, and doing a merge with the manifests generated by the installer at runtime. This is achieved by the following command:

Code Block
./knictl prepare_manifests $SITE_NAME


NOTE: If you intend to use knictl's baremetal UPI automation (see below), you will need to add a provisioningInfrastructure block to your site-config.yaml for the automation to consume.  Below is an example template, with in-line comments describing the various options:

Code Block
    # interface to use for provisioning on the masters
    masterBootInterface: eno2
    # interface to use for provisioning on the workers
    workerBootInterface: eno2
    # interface to use for baremetal on the masters
    masterSdnInterface: ens1f0
    # interface to use for baremetal on the workers
    workerSdnInterface: ens1f0

    # The provisioning network's CIDR
    # PXE boot server IP
    # DHCP range start (usually provHost/interfaces/provisioningIpAddress + 1)

    # The baremetal networks's CIDR
    # Address map
    # bootstrap: baremetalDHCPStart   i.e.
    # master-0: baremetalDHCPStart+1  i.e.
    # master-1: baremetalDHCPStart+2  i.e.
    # master-2: baremetalDHCPStart+3  i.e.
    # worker-0: baremetalDHCPStart+5  i.e.
    # worker-N: baremetalDHCPStart+5+N
    # baremetal network default gateway, set to proper IP if /provHost/services/baremetalGateway == false
    # if /provHost/services/baremetalGateway == true, baremetalGWIP with be located on provHost/interfaces/baremetal
    # and external traffic will be routed through the provisioning host
      # cluster DNS, change to proper IP address if provHost/services/clusterDNS == false
      # if /provHost/services/clusterDNS == true, cluster (IP) with be located on provHost/interfaces/provisioning
      # and DNS functionality will be provided by the provisioning host
      # Up to 3 external DNS servers to which non-local queries will be directed
#     external2: 
#     external3: 

      # Interface on the provisioning host that connects to the provisioning network
      provisioning: eno2
      # Must be in provisioningIpCidr range
      # pxe boot server will be at port 8080 on this address
      # Interface on the provisioning host that connects to the baremetal network
      baremetal: ens1f0
      # Must be in baremetalIpCidr range
      # Interface on the provisioning host that connects to the internet/external network
      external: eno1
      # These bridges are created on the bastion host
      provisioning: provisioning
      baremetal: baremetal
      # Does the provsioning host provide DHCP services for the baremetal network?
      baremetalDHCP: true
      # Does the provisioning host provide DNS services for the cluster?
      clusterDNS: true
      # Does the provisioning host provide a default gateway for the baremetal network?
      baremetalGateway: true


This is the directory that will contain all the customizations for the basic cluster deployment. You could create patches for modifying number of masters/workers, network settings... everything that needs to be modified on cluster deployment time. It needs to have a basic kustomization.yaml file, that will reference the same level file for the blueprint. And you could create additional patches following kustomize syntax:

Code Block
- git::

02_cluster_addons and 03_services

Follow same structure as 01_cluster_mods, but in this case is for adding additional workloads after cluster deployment. They also need to have a kustomization.yaml file that references the file of the same level for the blueprint, and can include additional resources and patches.

How to deploy

The whole deployment workflow is based on knictl CLI tool that this repository is providing.

1. Fetch requirements for a site.

You need to have a site repository with the structure described above. Then, first thing is to fetch the requirements needed for the blueprint that the site references. This is achieved by:

Code Block
./knictl fetch_requirements 

Where the first argument references a site repository, following syntax. This will download the site repository, and will create a folder with the site name inside $HOME/.kni . It will also fetch all the binaries needed, and will store them inside $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements folder.

2. Prepare manifests for a site

NOTE: Before performing this step, you must copy your OpenShift pull secret into your build path (i.e. to ~/.kni/pull-secret.json).

Next step is to run a procedure to prepare all the manifests for deploying a site. This is achieved by applying kustomize on the site repository, combining that with the base manifests for the blueprint, and doing a merge with the manifests generated by the installer at runtime. This is achieved by the following command:

Code Block
./knictl prepare_manifests $SITE_NAME

This will generate a set of manifests ready to apply, and will be stored on $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/final_manifests folder. Along with manifests, a profile.env file has been created also in $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME folder. It includes environment vars that can be sourced before deploying the cluster. Current vars that can be exported are:

  • OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_RELEASE_IMAGE_OVERRIDE : used when a new image is wanted, instead of the default one
  • TF_VAR_libvirt_master_memory, TF_VAR_libvirt_master_vcpu: Used in the libvirt case, to define the memory and CPU for the vms.

3. Deploy the cluster


Before starting the deployment, it is recommended to source the env vars from profile.env . You can achieve it with:

Code Block
source $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/profile.env

Then, you need to deploy the cluster using the generated manifests. This can be achieved with:

Code Block
$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements/openshift-install create cluster --dir=$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/final_



This will deploy a cluster based on the specified manifests. You can learn more about how to manage cluster deployment and how to interact with it on

For deploying to baremetal using UPi, you will need to generate ignition files and use them when provisioning the machines. You can create the ignition files with the following command, instead of create cluster:

Code Block
$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements/openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir=$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/final_manifests

Automated (Baremetal UPI only)

knictl offers two commands to automate the deployment of a baremetal UPI cluster (and only baremetal UPI, at this time).  As prerequisites to using these commands, you must ensure the following are true:

  1. You added a proper provisioningInfrastructure block to your site's site-config.yaml (see above).
  2. You ran:
     ./knictl fetch_requirements <site repo URI> 

    ...with the aforementioned provisioningInfrastructure present in your site's site-config.yaml.
  3. You ran:
     ./knictl prepare_manifests $SITE_NAME 

    ...after #2.
  4. Your install-config.yaml for the site, or the blueprint upon which it is based, contains the following to indicate a baremetal installation:
       none: {}

Once the aforementioned items have been dealt with, deploy your master nodes like so:

Code Block
./knictl deploy_masters $SITE_NAME

This will deploy a bootstrap VM and begin to bring up your master nodes.  After this command has successfully executed, monitor your cluster as you normally would while the masters are deploying.  Once the masters have reached the ready state, you can then deploy your workers with the following command:

Code Block
./knictl deploy_workers $SITE_NAME

This will begin to bring up your worker nodes.  Monitor your worker nodes are you normally would during this process.  If the deployment doesn't hit any errors, you will then have a working baremetal cluster.

  • OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_RELEASE_IMAGE_OVERRIDE : used when a new image is wanted, instead of the default one
  • TF_VAR_libvirt_master_memory, TF_VAR_libvirt_master_vcpu: Used in the libvirt case, to define the memory and CPU for the vms.

3. Deploy the cluster

Before starting the deployment, it is recommended to source the env vars from profile.env . You can achieve it with:

Code Block
source $HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/profile.env

Then, you need to deploy the cluster using the generated manifests. This can be achieved with:

Code Block
$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/requirements/openshift-install create cluster --dir=$HOME/.kni/$SITE_NAME/final_manifests

This will deploy a cluster based on the specified manifests. You can learn more about how to manage cluster deployment and how to interact with it on

For deploying to baremetal using UPi, you will need to generate ignition files and use them when provisioning the machines. You can create the ignition files with the following command, instead of create cluster:




4. Apply workloads

After the cluster has been generated, the extra workloads that have been specified in manifests (like kubevirt), need to be applied. This can be achieved by:
