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Virtlet is a Kubernetes CRI (Container Runtime Interface) implementation for running VM-based pods on Kubernetes clusters. (CRI is what enables Kubernetes to run non-Docker flavors of containers, such as Rkt.) For the sake of simplicity of deployment, Virtlet itself runs as a DaemonSet, essentially acting as a hypervisor and making the CRI proxy (Provides the possibility of mixing docker-shim and VM based workloads on the same k8s node) available to run the actual VMs This way, it’s possible to have both Docker and non-Docker pods run on the same node.


... Diagram


  • Virtlet manager: Implements the CRI interface for virtualization and image handling
  • Libvirt: The standard instance of libvirt for KVM.
  • vmwrapper: Responsible for preparing the environment for the emulator
  • Emulator: Currently qemu with KVM support (with possibility of disabling KVM for nested virtualization tests)
  • ...


When testing the QAT sriov support condition with the officer virtlet image, together with QAT device plugin. we take thie simple straightforward method that add the resource name advertised by the QAT device plugin to fileds spec.containers.resource.limits and spec.containers.resource.requests with value "1". It works correctly in plain kubernetes pods. But in a virtlet vm pod, we encountered the conflict caused by the configuration transformed between virtual machine and pod by virtlet. The issues is that when allocating a QAT vf device to virtlet vm pod, Kubelet will add the extended device to kubeapi.PodSandboxConfig.Devices ( - v1.14). Then virtlet will incorrectly transforms all these devices to its volume devices and considers them as block disk with disk drivers bound to them later. 

    for _dev := range in.Config.Devices {
        r.VolumeDevices append(r.VolumeDevicestypes.VMVolumeDevice{
            HostPath:   dev.HostPath,

It causes the errors that too many disks, disks' reading issues, denied permission and so on after a vm pod starts. And regardless of this, I want assign QAT vf to virtlet pod by pci-passthrough. So I want add corresponding fileds into libvirt instance domain xml created by virtlet. After code analysis, virtlet is a cri implentment and in its createDomain(config *types.VMConfig) *libvirtxml.Domain (pkg/libvirttools/virtualization.go) I detect the xml file creation and find it is using the libvirtxml "" go module. So the whole work flow is clear now and I can fix it then.

domain := &libvirtxml.Domain{
            Graphics: []libvirtxml.DomainGraphic{
                {VNC: &libvirtxml.DomainGraphicVNC{Port: -1}},
            Videos: []libvirtxml.DomainVideo{
                {Model: libvirtxml.DomainVideoModel{Type: "cirrus"}},
            Controllers: []libvirtxml.DomainController{
                {Type: "scsi"Index: &scsiControllerIndex, Model"virtio-scsi"},



