Versions Compared


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2. Create the Network Policy:
kubectl apply -f network_policy.yml


DNS service can help “redirect” the external client’s traffic to the edge application service. This gap analysis is to investigate whether OpenNESS DNS can be used for ICN traffic steering or not.

OpenNESS provides DNS server which provides the microsevice’s ip address based on FQDN. OpenNESS extends kubectl utility with kubectl edgedns cmd to set/delete DNS entry. For example,

  1. define a file with below content: openvino-dns.json
  2. Then use below command to add an entry in OpenNESS DNS server:
    kubectl edgedns set <edge_node_host_name> openvino-dns.json

Below are implement details of OpenNESS DNS server:

  • Run as independent process/container in each Edge Node : ./edgednssvr -port 53 -fwdr= -db XXX.db // port: DNS server port; fwdr: forwarder ip used when cannot found FQDN in OpenNESS DNS DB; db: OpenNESS db file
  • Provide 2 servers after running:
          Control Server: gRPC/IP based API to receive DNS record add/remove request – OpenNESS controller can call this interface to add DNS record
          DNS server: DNS service is based on
  • DNS process flow: After get a DNS request, it will try to find the FQDN in local OpenNESS DNS db first, if not found, forward the request to an external forwarder (default is, set by “-fwdr“ parameter)

The OpenNESS DNS service is different from K8s’ CoreDNS to support different usages:

  • CoreDNS: provides DNS service within K8s cluster, e.g. from app in container to find the service also running in container of the same cluster.
  • OpenNESS DNS: provides DNS service for app of external host which is not running in the edge cluster to find a app (which may not be a K8s service, so its ip may not be recorded in coreDNS) in k8s cluster. e.g. in OpenNESS OpenVINO demo, the video stream generator is running in a separate host, admin needs manually (add a new name server in /etc/resolv.conf) set it’s DNS server IP to point to OpenNESS edge node DNS server then it can know how to send the stream.

Cross-Node communication

Edge apps can be divided into producer and consumer. This gap analysis is to investigate the communication between the producers and consumers which are on different edge nodes. 
