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Table of Contents

As part of this release EALTEdge Blueprint are releasing few API's which can be used by other Akraino Blueprints or Non Akraino Blueprints / Projects. The API are in compliance with the API Standards defined in Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC); MEC Management; Part 2: Application lifecycle, rules and requirements managementETSI GS MEC 010-2 V2.1.1 ( . 

In this release EALTEdge are exposing API's related to :- 

  1. Application Package Management
  2. Application Life Cycle Management
  3. MEC Service Management.

API Definitions

Application Package Management

Onboard Application

1.API NameOnboard ApplicationType : POST Interface : MM3
DescriptionThis API is for MEO to onboard package, currently we just upload package directly to MEPM-APPLCM in the rest request, appPkgPath is of no use

Resource URI/ealtedge/mepm/app_pkgm/v1/app_packages/
Request Parameters
Response Codes201 : Created
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
AppPkgInfo0..NComplexIndicates a successful request. The response body shall contain a representation of the application package resource.

Get Package Info

2.API Name Get Package Info Type : GETInterface : MM3
DescriptionThis API is for MEO to onboard package, currently we just upload package directly to MEPM-APPLCM in the rest request, appPkgPath is of no use

Resource URI/ealtedge/mepm/app_pkgm/v1/app_packages/{{ID}}
Request  Body Parameters - Not Applicable

Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Delete Application Package

3.API Name Delete Package Type : DELETEInterface : MM3
DescriptionDELETE method realizes the procedure of "delete operation" of application package resource in MEO

Resource URI/ealtedge/mepm/app_pkgm/v1/app_packages/{{ID}}
Request Body Parameters - Not Applicable

Response Codes

204. No Response body will be returned.

Application Life Cycle Management

Create Application Instance

1.API NameCreate Application InstanceType : POST Interface : MM3
DescriptionThis API is for MEO to onboard package, currently we just upload package directly to MEPM-APPLCM in the rest request, appPkgPath is of no use

Resource URI/ealtedge/mepm/app_lcm/v1/app_instances
Request Body Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription


1StringApplication Description ID
appInstancename1StringApplication Instance Name


1StringApplication Instance Descriptor
Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
AppInstanceInfo1ComplexApplication Instance Info

Get Application Instance Information

2.API Name / CategoryApplication Instance Info Type : GETInterface : MM3
DescriptionThis API is for MEO to onboard package, currently we just upload package directly to MEPM-APPLCM in the rest request, appPkgPath is of no use

Resource URI/ealtedge/mepm/app_lcm/v1/app_instances/{appInstanceId}
Request Body Parameters - None

Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription / Example
AppInstanceInfo1ComplexApplication Instance Info

Delete Application Instance

3.API Name: Delete Application InstanceType : DELETEInterface : MM3
DescriptionThe DELETE method deletes an individual application instance resource, which refers to the procedure of "delete application instance identifier operation"
Resource URI/ealtedge/mepm/app_lcm/v1/app_instances/{appInstanceId}
Request Body Parameters - None

Response Codes204
Response Parameters - No Content

Instantiate Application

4.API Name: Instantiate ApplicationType : POST 

Interface : MM3


DescriptionTo instantiate the application instance
Resource URI/ealtedge/mepm/app_lcm/v1/app_instances/{appInstanceId}/instantiate 
Request Body Parameters
Attribute NameCardinalityTypeDescription


1ComplexRequest parameters of the "Instantiate Application" operation

Response Codes202 -  Accepted. The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not yet been completed
Response Parameters - Response Body is Empty

Terminate Application

5.API Name: Terminate ApplicationType : POST 

Interface : MM3 (OSS→ MEO, MEO->MEPM)

DescriptionTo instantiate the application instance
Resource URI/ealtedge/mepm/app_lcm/v1/app_instances/{appInstanceId}/terminate
Request Body Parameters



Response Codes202 -  Accepted. The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not yet been completed
Response Parameters - Response Body is Empty

MEC Service Management

Service Discovery

1.API NameCreate Application InstanceType : GETInterface : MM1

Request Body Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Service Discovery

2.API Name
Type : GETInterface : MM1
Resource URI/ealtedge/mep/mec_service_mgmt/v1/application/appInstanceId/services
Request Body Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Service Discovery

3.API Name
Type : POSTInterface : MM1
Resource URI/ealtedge/mep/mec_service_mgmt/v1/application/appInstanceId/services
Request Body Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Service Discovery

4.API Name
Type : DELETEInterface : MM1
Resource URI/ealtedge/mep/mec_service_mgmt/v1/application/appInstanceId/services/serviceId
Request Body Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Service Discovery

5.API Name
Type : PUTInterface : MM1
Resource URI/ealtedge/mep/mec_service_mgmt/v1/application/appInstanceId/services/servicesId
Request Body Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Service Discovery

6.API Name
Type : POSTInterface : MM1
Resource URI/ealtedge/mep/mec_service_mgmt/v1/application/appInstanceId/subscriptions
Request Body Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription



AppPkgInfo Parameters

Attribute NameCardinalityData TypeDescription  
AppDID1StringApplication Development ID

Application Provider.

Ex : Huawei

AppName1StringApplication Name. Ex : Face Recognition                                     
AppSoftwareVersion1StringApplication Software Version. Ex : 1.0
AppDVersion1StringApplication Deployment Version. Ex: 1.0
OnboardingState1StringOn Boarding State. Ex : ONBOARDED
DeployType1StringDeploy Type ; Ex : Helm
AppPackage1StringApplication Package


CreateAppPkg Parameters

Attribute NameCardinalityData TypeDescription
appPkgName1StringApplication Package Name  to be onboarded
appPkgVersion1StringApplication Package Version  to be onboarded


0..1StringThe provider's name of the application package to be onboarded.
checksumchecksumchecksumChecksum of the onboarded application package
userDefinedData0..1KeyValuePairUser defined data for the application package.
appPkgPath1StringAddress information of the application package Currently not in use


ApplnstanceInfo Parameters

Attribute NameCardinalityData TypeDescription

Application Instance Description

Ex : ID1

AppInstanceName0..1StringApplication Descriptor ID

Application Provider

Ex: Huawei


Application Name 

Ex : Face_Recognition.

AppName1StringDeploy Type ; Ex : Helm

Application Package ID

Ex: b1bb0ce7-ebca-4fa7-95ed-4840d70a1177


Instantiation State.



InstantiateAppRequest Parameters
Attribute NameCardinalityData TypeDescription

Describes the information of selected host for the application instance


TerminateAppRequest Parameters

Attribute NameCardinalityData TypeDescription

Indicates whether forceful or graceful termination is
requested. See note.
• FORCEFUL: it will shut down the application
instance and release the resources immediately
after accepting the request. See note.
• GRACEFUL: it will first arrange to take the
application instance out of service after
accepting the request. Once the operation of
taking the application instance out of service
finishes or once the timer value specified in the
"gracefulTerminationTimeout" attribute expires,
it will shut down the application instance and
release the resources.

gracefulTerminationTimeout0..1IntegerThis attribute is only applicable in case of graceful
termination. It defines the time to wait for the
application instance to be taken out of service before
shutting down the application and releasing the
The unit is seconds.
If not given and the "terminationType" attribute is set to
"GRACEFUL", it is expected to wait for the successful
taking out of service of the application, no matter how
long it takes, before shutting down the application and
releasing the resources.

The purpose of this Document is to enumerate the APIs which are exposed by Akraino Blue print project to the external projects Akraino/Non Akraino for interaction/integration.

This document should be used in conjunction with the architecture document to understand APIs at  modular level and their interactions.

This document should function as a glossary of APIs with its functionality, interfaces, inputs and expected outcomes as the following example:

API1 < var 1, var 2, var 2>  


functional description 
