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  • IOT - Portal - ELIOT Portal uses Angular 9.0.  UI to provide Network management, monitoring, Application deployment, Dashboard.  It internally can be able to view and modify the ELIOT cluster i.e ELIOT Master and IOTGateway nodes.
  • Software rolling update:  To provide software rolling updates to devices, in ELIOT Master we are integrating Eclipse Hawkbit platform.   Eclipse hawkBit For rolling out software updates to constrained edge devices.  We are using Hawkbit container environment with latest version.





  • Portal: The dashboard provides user interface for the


  • MECM services where edge nodes, APPLCM can be registered and apps can be distributed.


  • Orchestrator: Provides application orchestration based on static/ dynamic host selection.
  • Inventory: Maintains system level view of all Edges, including edge capabilities, deployed applications and their status etc.
  • Scheduler


  • : Responsible for selection of host for deployment.


  • Package Manager


  • Maintains and manages application packages and is responsible of pushing images to edges. 
  • Common DB: Persistent Database.


  • Portal: Portal provides the user interface to publish and launch App applications. and has option for user to comment on the application in comment section and give ratings.
  • Appstore Services (App Distribution, App Experience): App Store services where uploading an App package and verifies the upload. Also provides features like comment/like for user experience sharing.


  • Repository : Open source PostgreSQL database is being used to store the information, Recommended version is 12.3.

Developer Platform:

  • Tools: Developer tools are used in Plugin Management, Plugin Life Cycle and grading systems making it more convenient for developers to develop applications and integrate them into the edgegallery platform.
  • Workspace: Developers manage their own Application development process by creating projects or migrating projects. Developers can manage project, app package and test task management.


IotGateway/ Edge Node Components:


  • aPaaS:
    • Rules Engine: Drools by EdgeX foundry
  • GPaaS & IoTPaaS:
    • Software Rolling update: ELIOT includes Hawkbit from Eclipse community to provide software rolling update to Edge Sites / IotGateway nodes
    • IOT Data store: storing data coming from IOT devices and which further IOT application can consume.
    • Device Twin: device profile, configuration, metadata(cmds for devcies) etc. 
    • IOT Protocol: OPC-UA industrial IOT protocol
    • Data Export: export data to Cloud applications and other on Prem applications
    • Monitoring: Graphana , promethous agents to collect and display edge healths
    • CNI: k8s based networking for multi interface support in a POD for SFC scenarios, network policies etc.
  • MEP ServicesServer:
    • DNS: DNS server and DNS record management service
    • Service Registry: Service registry and discovery, availability notifications
    • AppLCM: applications life cycle management
    • Network Isolation:  Provides separation of control, management and data plan
  • API Gateway: Provides secure End points for MEP services as well as producer Applications.

Lightweight Kubernetes (k3s): K3s for lightweight container orchestration. K3s is a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in unattended, resource-constrained, remote locations or inside IoT appliances.
