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Meeting Content (minutes / recording / slides / other):

Feb 12, 2019

Recording / Chat

Feb 5, 2019

  • Attendees
    • Jim Einarsson, Jenny Koerv, Aaron Byrd, Andrew Wilkinson, Frank Zdarsky, Mike Hunter, Bill Zvonar
  • Release Cadence
    • we talked about proposing a cadence to the TSC
    • currently, there’s talk of a second release in 6 months, but not of a cadence, per se
    • we agreed to park this for later 
  • Proposed Changes from Last Process Sub-Committee Meeting
    • we agreed to get those to vote at the TSC
    • ACTION: Bill to get those on the agenda for the next TSC meeting
  • More Proposed Changes
    • Andrew asked about MVP re: Incubation - MVP as an "outcome" - doesn't seem right 
    • instead, it should say something like During incubation, an MVP-quality product will be demonstrated (Alpha).
    • discussion on Alpha/Beta/GA vs. Incubation/Mature/Core ensued 
    • we agreed on the following revised wording in section 3.3.4 (Project Lifecycle States and Reviews) of the TCD… 
      • Incubation
        • Project has resources, but is recognized to be in the early stages of development.  In the Incubation state, the goal is to progress the project from Alpha (MVP) quality to Beta quality.  The outcome is a minimum viable product (MVP) that demonstrates the value of the project and is a useful vehicle for collecting feedback, but is not expected to be used in production environments.
      • Mature
        • Project is fully functioning and stable, has achieved successful releases.  In the Mature state, the goal is to progress the project from Beta quality to GA quality.  
      • Core
        • Project provides value to and receives interest from a broad audience.  In the Core state, the project is at GA quality – additional functionality may be added in subsequent releases.
      • Archived
        • Project can reach Archived state for multiple reasons.  Either project has successfully been completed and its artifacts provide business values, or project has been cancelled for unforeseen reasons (no value anymore, technical, etc.).  Project in any state can be Archived through a Termination Review.  In the Archived state, the project is Deprecated - no further bug fixes, security updates, etc. 
    • ACTION: Bill to get this on the agenda for the next TSC meeting as well 
  • Checklists for Graduation 
    • further discussion on clarifying/simplifying the deliverables that should be delivered in each state, and the exit criteria for graduating from one state to another
    • stuff like security checklists, and other things that might be specific to a given BP Family
    • also should add language around release numbering - e.g. is "Mature" always Release 1? or Core? 
    • we agreed to start a table of such details
    • ACTION: Bill to start the table of States, Deliverables, etc.
