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Special Meeting May 20, 2021


  • Paul gave a brief introduction about O-RAN status
  • Nilanjan and Deepak shared a blueprint proposal which will relay on O-RAN code base as the upstream.

Action Items:

  • Nilanjan to prepare detail BP plan referring to O-RAN as upstream
  • Jim to prepare another meeting with O-RAN for broader collaboration

Biweekly Meeting May 26, 2021


  • Akraino and ORAN planning
  • Akraino BP with ORAN Upstream

Biweekly Meeting August 19, 2020, 8-9am PST


  • Upstream R4 Compliance Planning
  • R4 BP review table. Plan to schedule BPs to come over to Upstream meeting for R4 reviews.



Biweekly Meeting August 5, 2020, 8-9am PST


  • Upstream R4 Compliance Planning
  • R4 BP review table. Plan to schedule BPs to come over to Upstream meeting for R4 reviews.


  • Jim Xu
  • Tina Zou
  • Swarup Nayak

Biweekly Meeting June 10, 2020, 8-9am PST


  • Upstream R3 Release compliance discussion
  • R3 Release Upstream process recommendation


  • Jim Xu
  • Tina
  • Swarup Nayak

Biweekly Meeting April 1, 2020, 8-9am PST


  • Upstream workflow discussion with BP meeting feedback.
  • Community Involvement: Will need to invite CNTT for upstream/downstream collaboration; Need to invite BP PTL.
  • Election about co-chair


  • Jim Xu
  • Tina
  • Khemendra Kumar
  • Swarup Nayak

Biweekly Meeting (Coming) Feb. 19, 2020, 8-9am PST


  • Upstream Workflow Discussion. Presented the draft of the upstream workflow. Will send out for the reviews from Sub-committee, then present to Akraino community/TSC for approval.
  • SEBA upstream discussion. Ciprian discussed about SEBA on ARM - porting and upstreaming work#SEBAUpstreamingwork. The current major pending issue is that the SEBA project team might need to add support to Python 3 in order to meet the OpenCord upstream repo requirement. Ciprian and Akraino Upstream Sub-Committee will discuss with Zack/OpenCord to confirm whether this is the only stopper besides normal code patches. Upon confirmation, SEBA/Akraino team will address the stopper and corresponding patches in 1-2 weeks.


  • Jim Xu
  • Ciprian Barbu (From SEBA project)
  • Tina Tsou
  • Khemendra Kumar

BiWeekly Meeting Feb. 5, 2020 8-9 AM PST


  • Review Upstream Policy
  • The value can be provided by Upstream Committee : leverage the experiences from the committee to help projects into stable release.
  • Review the upstream matrix. It needs to be updated with recent blueprints and feature projects. The committee will ramp up engagement with project teams. In the coming days, the committee will help in SEBA support.
  • Proposal to adding LF Edge projects such as EdgeX into the upstream scope.
  • Suggest to add co-chair position to share the load with ramping up efforts.


  • Tina Tsou
  • Mark Shan
  • khemendra kumar
  • Jim Xu
  • Jane Shen

Mini Summit at San Diego: Aug 19-20, 2019. Future Agenda consideration in R2 time frame, depending on project/blueprint's requirements:

  • Upstream submission/merge coordination (Sukhdev et al)
  • Consideration of JIRA linking
  • Graphic depiction, joining work with LF Edge
  • Other open issues
  • ... driven by project/blueprint requirements, ask for participation if your project/blueprint has unmet needs

#11 June 14, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific. CANCELED 


  • R2 planning
  • JIRA
  • Pictorial depiction
  • Other remaining open issues
  • Meeting next week during Summit?



#10 May 17, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  • Review matrix status for all projects to determine if they are meeting R1 requirements.
  • Send notifications to projects that are not meeting requirements, and also present info in next Tuesdays call
  • Last meeting's AI update


  • Wenjing Chu (Chair, huawei)
  • Tushars (huawei)


  • Reviewed all projects who completed the upstream dependency matrix so far. Identified various issues and missing info.
  • Will bring the status to next Tuesdays TSC call

#9 May 3, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  • Review dependency matrix completion status
  • discussion to enhance the matrix for better represent ONAP needs (Xinhui, Vmware)


  • Wenjing Chu (chair, huawei)
  • Tushars (huawei)
  • Xinhui (vmware)
  • Tina Tsou (arm)


  • AI: send email to remind PTLs (wenjing)
  • ONAP discussions were fruitful. Next step is to connect with ONAP edge WG. (Wenjing, and Xinhui)

#8 April 19, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  • Review status of upstream dependency matrix


  • Wenjing Chu (chair, huawei)
  • Tina Tsou (arm)


  • Completion of the upstream dependency matrix is low
    • Send email to PTL list
    • Work with process subcommittee to add completion of dependency matrix to the Milestone definitions, to M4, similar to Documentation
  • Questions about how to position ONAP and various parts of ONAP
  • Questions of Helm and if it should be listed as an orchestrator

#7 April 5, 2019. 9-12 AM Pacific. TSC and PTL F2F in Intel Santa Clara


  • Introduce the upstream dependency matrix tables
  • Report the sub-committee's recommendation on (a) release criteria (b) maturity criteria


  • Wenjing Chu, (Chair, huawei)
  • TSC members and PTLs


  • Presented and received strong support.
  • Asked and several project leads volunteered to start completing the tables
  • Asked to present one more time because some members are not in attendance.

#7 March 22, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  • Open

#6 March 8, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  • Review Akraino Upstream Dependency Matrix
  • Review Akraino Upstream Project Information Table
  • Review Akraino upstream policy draft text
  • ONS F2F Sub-Committee topic
  • Invite Kubernetes Edge WG for a follow-up (Action item from TSC)


  • Wenjing Chu (chair, huawei)
  • Bruce Jones (Intel)
  • Georg Kunz (Ericsson)


  • Reviewed and agreed on the Upstream Dependency Matrix format.
  • Reviewed and agreed on the Upstream Project Information Table format.
  • Reviewed, revised, the Akraino upstream policy draft text. Light touch approach agreed for diverse Akraino projects.
  • Will present this to TSC during ONS F2F
  • Will ask Blueprint/project owners to complete the tables.

#6 February 22, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.

Moved to:

#6 March 1, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific. 



  • Open
  • Review upstream dependency template
  • Invite a project to introduce their upstream issue tracking practice
  • Review Akraino presentation draft
  • Invite Kubernetes edge WG for a follow-up

#5 February 8, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  • Wenjing Chu (chair)
  • Andrew Wilkinson (ericsson)
  • Bruce Jones (intel)
  • Georg Kunz (ericsson)
  • Yong Xin (radisys)
  • Tina Tsou (arm)


  • Agreed: we will create a table / template for each project to fill in their upstream dependencies.
    • Srini had an example related to ovs-dpdk (link...)
    • Action: Bruce, Andrew, Yong Xin, Wenjing will look into more examples
    • We will try to propose a format at the next meeting
    • It will be a "release requirement" for each project to fill this template and document clear upstream dependencies
  • Discussed how multiple projects should coordinate their upstream activities when they have a common upstream community
    • projects in Akraino are diverse in their needs. mostly, projects should work with upstream directly.
    • projects may be using different versions of the same component
    • projects may have different solutions to a common problem to the same upstream - we'd want to coordinate such activities within Akraino.
    • may want discuss if projects within Akraino community can agree on a common solution to the same problem
  • Georg shared his experience of trying to track issues
    • it's a relatively simple project with few developers, may not be general best-practice
    • federating is difficult, 
    • JIRA seems to be the implied requirement, 
    • different projects may have different views
    • Action: Invite a larger project (Wenjing)
  • Akraino presentation to upstream/external organizations (Wenjing)
    • Action: create a draft (Wenjing)
    • Looking for volunteers to help
  • Next meeting is moved to March 1


  • Continue on a good practice of working among projects with the same upstream community (Andrew)
  • Examples of tracking work with upstream projects (Georg)
  • Drafting Akraino overview slide deck with upstream relationships
  • Alternate to chair next meeting

#4 January 25, 2019. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  • Wenjing Chu (chair/huawei)

  • Tina

  • Yong Xin
  • Wenhui
  • Bruce


  • The draft scope of work in the wiki reviewed.
  • Has consensus on the single point of liaison role, but there is confusion as where the work of best practice policy should go.
  • Suggested that coordinators don't have to be one per project, they probably share the same coordinator for the same upstream.
  • Agreed to revise it and present to TSC in its next meeting.


  • Draft sub-committee work items for TSC review/approval on 1/31.


  • Work streams to initiate for the next 6 months:

  • Upstream project introduction series
  • Best practice with upstream - e.g. JIRA, CI/CD, Conformance

  • Upstream project landscape infographics

  • Related organizations / communities liaison

    • Exchange series - invite for introduction/liaison presentations

    • E.g. TIP, ONAP, Openstack, K8S, EdgeX, ONF…

    • Prepare a slide deck for Akraino presentation to these groups

    • Upstream project introduction series

    • Best practice with upstream - e.g. JIRA, CI/CD, Conformance

    • Upstream project landscape infographics

    • Related organizations / communities liaison

    • Anything else

  • AOB

#2 December 14, 2018. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  1. Recap of the TSC F2F in Santa Clara, Dec 6-7, 2018.


  2. Time reconfirmed: Fridays of every other week from 8:00-9:00 Pacific.

    1. Dec 28 cancelled

    2. Next meeting is Jan 12, 2019

  3. SubCommittee work streams

  4. Blueprint series - invite for deep dive in each blueprint’s upstream projects

  5. JIRA best practice with upstream

    2. Experimentations and learn. How does at&t doing with airship? Call for volunteer to find out more.

  6. Upstream project landscape infographics. Call for volunteers.


  7. Related organizations / communities liaison

    1. Exchange series - invite for introduction/liaison presentations

    2. E.g. TIP, ONAP, Openstack, K8S, EdgeX, ONF…

    3. Prepare a slide deck for Akraino presentation to these groups

    1. Blueprint series - invite for deep dive in each blueprint’s upstream projects

    2. JIRA best practice with upstream

    3. Upstream project landscape infographics. Call for volunteers.

    4. Related organizations / communities liaison

    5. Other documentation

  8. AOB

#1 November 30, 2018. 8-9 AM Pacific.


  1. Introduction of new members/ attendance

    1. Wenjing Chu (huawei/chair)

    2. Tina Tsou (ARM)

    3. Bruce Jones (intel)

    4. Deepak S (intel)

    5. Yong Xin (radisys)

  2. Identify upstream projects

  3. JIRA and linking
    1. How to best report issues in Akraino JIRA, and potentially link them to the upstream projects’ JIRA systems?

    1. Unicycle: Airship, Openstack

    2. Rover: Airship, Openstack

    3. SEBA: Airship, CORD, ONAP

    4. Serverless: Airship, Kubeless

    5. IEC: Kubernetes, FD.IO/VPP, DPDK

    6. Edge video processing: Airship, Openstack, ONAP

    7. Tungsten Fabric: Airship, Openstack

    1. JIRA and linking

    2. Suggest add an item in the template to report upstream projects

    3. A diagram highlighting main upstream components in the architecture

    4. Organize layers of upstream projects and their dependencies in some kind of graph/picture for easier understanding in a glance (landscape)

    5. List upstream communities that may be in scope for the proposed projects/blueprints. To be shared in Dec 6-7 F2F meeting in Santa Clara.

    6. Blueprint family: Network Cloud

    7. Unicycle: Airship, Openstack

    8. Rover: Airship, Openstack

    9. SEBA: Airship, CORD, ONAP

    10. Serverless: Airship, Kubeless

    11. IEC: Kubernetes, FD.IO/VPP, DPDK

    12. Edge video processing: Airship, Openstack, ONAP
    13. Tungsten Fabric: Airship, Openstack

  1. Blueprint family: ELIOT

    1. IoT gateway: Kubernetes, EdgeX, ONAP

    2. sd-wan/ucpe: Kubernetes, ONAP


    1. Blueprint family: KNI-E

      1. Kubernetes

    2. Blueprint family: micro-MEC

      1. Kubernetes

    3. Blueprint family: radio edge cloud

      1. Kubernetes

    4. Blueprint family: StarlingX Far Edge

      1. Far Edge: StarlingX and Openstack, Airship Armada,

      2. A diagram highlighting main upstream components in the architecture

    5. Feature project: CHOMP

      1. Airship, Kubernetes

  1. Schedule

    1. Conflict with another meeting - may shift for a week

    2. Cancel December 28 meeting (if we stay on the current week without a shift)

    3. First meeting in 2019 is Jan 11. (if we stay on the current week without a shift)

  2. Backlog topic suggestions

  3. Upstream project presentations - collaboration, liaison - in both directions

    1. Openstack edge WG

    2. Kubernetes edge WG

    3. ONAP edge WG

    4. TIP

    5. EdgeX

    6. ...

    1. Upstream project presentations - collaboration, liaison - in both directions

    2. Best practice in working with upstream

    3. Other industry organizations