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Table of Contents


    IEC Type3 mainly focus on Android Application running on edge ARM Cloud architecture with GPU/ vGPU Management. Also, ARM cloud games need to have the basic features of "cloud”, such as flexibility ,

availability everywhere. Based on cloud infrastructure optimized for android application, providing ARM application services.

How to use this document

    This document describes the construction, compilation and use of robox Android container environment. Introduce environment configuration, code download, build and compile, and how to use it.

    This document is mainly suitable for users who build and compile robox container Android emulation.

Deployment Architecture

Main Framework

                                                                                                                                                                 Core  Figure1     Deployment Main Framework

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                                                                                                                   Robox Figure2    Robox Framework

Pre-Installation Requirements


ARM Server satisfies the Arm Server Ready certified.

  • Software Perequisites





ubuntu 18.04.3/6(key)



robox is an Android container.

git clone -b release-phase2.3

robox Compile and run dependent packages

support for robox compilation and operation.

apt-get install build-essential cmake cmake-data debhelper dbus google-mock libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-log-dev libboost-iostreams-dev

libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libcap-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-cpp-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev

libglib2.0-dev libglm-dev libgtest-dev liblxc1 libproperties-cpp-dev libprotobuf-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev lxc-dev pkg-config protobuf-compiler


needed by K8S/Robox

apt-get install

  • Components Version


Run Android applications on any GNU/Linux operating system.


Compose and scale observability with one or all pieces of the stack



Cloud native system performance monitoring



container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications

k8s: v1.23.5;







Verifying the Setup as defined the Akraino validation feature project plus any additional testing specific to the blue print

Install Main Components

Since        Since the components and images required by the project are relatively large, and the process of  compilation takes time, we store the compiled images on the github repository.

The link is:

git clone

After this step,  The code structure after downloading is as follows:


├── android.img

├── components│  components

├── grafana-server│  server 

├── node_exporter│  exporter

├── perf_exporter│  exporter

└── prometheus



ls out/target/product/arm64/

android-info.txt  obj  mk  recovery  symbols  system.img  build_fingerprint.txt  cache.img  data  gen  module-info.json    ramdisk.img    root  system   userdata.img


After this,  the image of anbox has been completed, which can be viewed through docker related commandsType the command below:

sudo docker images | grep robox

android                                                               robox                          e223a91c4b58   6 days ago      860MB

Run robox android system

After the above two scripts are executed, the robox operating environment is ready, and the entire directory structure of robox can be seen as follows


start the first continer instance

./robox -v start 1

./robox -v start 1

       1 is the id, used by session manager and docker container


   container name format:  instance + id

docker exec -it instance1 sh      

step5step4: get android property sys.boot_completed


        It is troublesome to start anbox robox through commands to deploy in a real environment. Here, the well-known K8S system is used to complete the deployment of anbox robox instances. On this basis, anbox

Robox can be much more effectively deployed, run, monitored, and analyzed for multiple host nodes. Here is k8s cluster setup and container orchestration.

1 Basic Architecture

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                                                                            Figure3    View Of Robox In Cluster Image Removed

2 K8s Cluster construction


        The k8s cluster construction can be completed through the warehouse code, you can do as follows

git clone

cd iec/deploy/compass && bash


  Here is the current configuration:

  • Ubuntu Version:18.04
  • Docker: 20+
  • k8s: 1.21.3


   kubectl apply -f

kubectl get cs 

Warning: v1 ComponentStatus is deprecated in v1.19+

NAME                 STATUS    MESSAGE             ERROR

scheduler            Healthy   ok                 

controller-manager   Healthy   ok                 

etcd-0               Healthy   {"health":"true"}  

kubectl get node

NAME     STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION

master   Ready    control-plane,master   22h   v1.21.3

work     Ready    <none>                 22h   v1.21.5


          At the same time, we can present the status of the cluster through the k8s visual component. Here we We use kuboard, which it is very convenient to install and use.

      then start kuboard with web browser




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                                                                                                         Figure4    View of Robox On Kuboard

Cloud platform monitoring & Analyze

1 Basic Architecture

                                                                                                   Figure5    Prometheus and Grafana Mix

2 Bootup basic components

Prometheus      Prometheus is only used for monitoring data. The real data needs an exporter. Different exporters export different data,These data are finally presented by prometheus.

Only node exporter and perf exporter are used in this project, these two can be directly downloaded and installed with binary files.


Prometheus is used for data monitoring,

and then a better visual interface is grafana, the data it needs can just be obtained through Prometheus.


This      This project only needs to run the script below


After      After the script is executed, the required Prometheus and grafana are downloaded and run in the background


3 Analyze data by web browser

       Let us explore data that Prometheus has collected about itself. To use Prometheus's built-in expression browser, navigate to http://localhost:9090/graph and choose the "Table" view

within the "Graph" tab. Enter the below into the expression console and then click "Execute":


                                                                                                                   Figure6    First Startup View Of Prometheus

In addition, we can log in to grafana through a web browser and see the effect as shown below

url: http://localhost:3000

user: admin

password: admin

                                                                                                                   Figure7     First Startup View Of Grafana

Developer Guide and Troubleshooting
