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Akraino 5G MEC Hackathon - LF Edge

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3. Akraino 5G MEC Hackathon


: Winners, Insights and More

By Suzy GuCMTI 5G ICSV; Tina Tsou, Arm; Nitish Nagesh, UCSD;

76+ developers gathered together in Qualcomm campus in San Diego, and breakout venue in Columbia University, and Zoom conference, performed Akraino 5G MEC Hackathon, in November 18, 2019.

A smart city use case was the theme for competition for top prize $1000, and two $500 for two up-running teams.

"It was a day trip to San Diego, to attend the Akraino 5G MEC Hackathon, November 18, 2019. I was excited instead of tired when I entered the conference room in Qualcomm campus. Honestly, I never expected so many people for the event. People from all over the world gathered in the room, makes it look a little crowded. And you can feel the enthusiasm from all of these people. What made me more surprised is that I saw a lot of college students joining in. As an open-source project and cutting -edge (oh yes, edge!) technology, we really need the fresh blood! These students really have a lot of good ideas of how to prosper our edge computing platform, surveillance, IoT,automotive, they bring creative and inspiring scenarios to the popular applications cases for MEC. Also the hackathon is a good platform for people in the industry to change ideas on edge, I know a lot of people and company get the chance to cooperate through this event. As a sponsor, CMTI (China Mobile Technology USA) also get a lot of good ideas and partners. I have to say it was a wonderful day!" – Su Gu, CMTI 5G ICSV

Some highlights on the winning teams are below.

1st Prize: Team Planet


2nd Prize: Team BlueHat

When four of us read through the hackathon prompt, we thought to ourselves: how could we leverage a smart city's sensor network to produce real impact? Our experience living in the city drew our attention to city traffic: very often we see an emergency vehicle, such as a fire truck and an ambulance, getting stuck at a red light behind a long line of cars. If the line was short, cars in front would notice the emergency vehicle behind and would actively run the red light to let the emergency vehicles pass the intersection. However, running a red light is inherently dangerous. In addition, when the line of cars becomes long under heavy traffic, the cars in front would often not be able to notice the emergency vehicles stuck way back. Therefore, we realized that an infrastructure-level solution is needed and developed Smart-city Emergency Express (S.E.E.), a traffic control system for smart cities. Using S.E.E., traffic lights can actively detect emergency on the streets and if those vehicles are found, they automatically switch to green lights for them to pass. The overall hackathon experience was exciting and fun. We have posted our code on Github. Thank you Akraino for the recognition of our work and hosting this meaningful hackathon! - Team BlueHat

3rd Prize (tie): Team TrailBlaz3r


3rd Prize (tie): Team Grind

 LF Edge January 28, 2020 seeing a Facebook post about a hackathon in Qualcomm, San Diego, I was naturally inclined to attend it considering the proximity and value addition it had to offer. After treating ourselves to cookies and coffee, we began brainstorming approaches to solve a problem related to smart cities. After going through the slides and evaluating our options, we finally decided to develop an air quality analytics system. We developed a comparative model between Los Angeles and San Diego to explore possibility of location-specific alert generation system for air quality standards. We learnt the importance of edge-computing and familiarized ourselves with the latest technologies in different companies at the hackathon - Arm, China Mobile etc. I connected with wonderful people like Tina Tsou and Robert Wolff, whom I had the pleasure of meeting again at the Arm IoT Dev Summit in Mountain View, California on Dec 2-3rd, 2019. I hope to stay in touch with the community and contribute towards furthering technology on the edge. ~Nitish Nagesh, 2nd year CSE master student, UC San Diego