Versions Compared


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Note: EALTEdge Blueprint Deployment has been tested on Cloud VM and is not tested on Bare-Metal Environment. Though, theoretically deployment should work  in bare metal,  provided hardware and software prerequisites are met. Kindly refer R5 R6 - Test Documentation of Enterprise Applications on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge) to get details on the tested deployment.


The number of Hardware requirements depends mainly on the Use Case Scenario and the enterprise scale. A use case can have one MECM Cluster  with one or multiple MEC Host clusters.

The minimum number minimum number of logical nodes(all 3 nodes can be depployed on single VM or on multiple VMs ) required for a complete EALTEdge Topology is three. (Bare-Metal or Virtual Machines) 


The blueprint provides one click deployment and command-line interface for installing the EALTEdge blueprint components.

Bare Metal Deployment Guide

Install Bare Metal Jump Host

Note: EALTEdge Blueprint Deployment has been tested on Huawei Cloud Virtual Machines and is not tested on Bare-Metal Environment. 

Though theoretically deployment should run successfully in bare metal too provided hardware and software prerequisites are met.

Creating a Node Inventory File


Creating the Settings Files




Virtual Deployment Guide

For Virtual Deployment minimum 2 Virtual machines(OCD and Center node can be deploy on same VM or in different VMs), following are the virtual machines and their usage






One Click Deployment Node




EALTEdge Installation Mode:

EALTEdge supports 2 Mode of installation: Multi Node and All-In-One (AIO) Node deployment.

AIO(All in One) mode: 

In this mode, all 3 nodes (OCD which is deployment node, Center node and Edge node) are deployed on single VM.

The logical deployment topology can be seen here.

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MUNO(Multi Node) Mode:

In this mode, all 3 nodes (OCD which is deployment node, Center node and Edge node) can be deployed on multiple VM.

This mode can have a OCD node deployed on a VM, Center node deployed on same OCD VM or on different VM and EDGE node deployed on different VM.

The logical deployment topology can be seen here.

Image Added

Bare Metal Deployment Guide

Install Bare Metal Jump Host

Note: EALTEdge Blueprint Deployment has been tested on Huawei Cloud Virtual Machines and is not tested on Bare-Metal Environment. 

Though theoretically deployment should run successfully in bare metal too provided hardware and software prerequisites are met.

Creating a Node Inventory File


Creating the Settings Files




Virtual Deployment Guide

For Virtual Deployment minimum 2 Virtual machines(OCD and Center node can be deploy on same VM or in different VMs), following are the virtual machines and their usage




One Click Deployment Node


3EDGE Node

All the nodes should have internet connectivity , network interface and network connectivity between the  VM's.

Standard Deployment Overview

Jump Host Software Installations:

Login to the Jump Host and perform the below steps:

  1. Install Ansible > 2.10.7 []
  2. Install git
  3. Install python3 and pip3

Jump Host Pre-Configurations for Center Components Installation

Login to the Jump Host and perform the below configuration steps (Steps : as below-

1. Generate public key :

     ssh-keygen -t rsa

2. Setup password-less login - 

  • If you get authentication issue you can change the permission

             # Open file:  vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

                  - PermitRootLogin yes

                  - PasswordAuthentication yes

              # Restart ssh service:

                  - sudo systemctl restart ssh.service

For EdgeGallery AIO mode:

Login from ocd to center and ocd to edge in a single node.

  •  sshpass -p <password> ssh-copy-id -p <ssh-port> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@<node_ip>

For EdgeGallery Muno mode:

Login from ocd to center in a controller node

  •  sshpass -p <password> ssh-copy-id -p <ssh-port> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@<controller-node_ip>
  •  sshpass -p <password> ssh-copy-id -p <ssh-port> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@<edge-node_ip>

Login from ocd to edge in a edge node

  •  sshpass -p <password> ssh-copy-id -p <ssh-port> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@<controller-node_ip>
  •  sshpass -p <password> ssh-copy-id -p <ssh-port> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@<edge-node_ip>

3.  These command are require in both AIO and MUNO(Controller and Edge Node )  mode.

    cp -p /etc/passwd  /etc/passwd.bkp

    cp -p /etc/group  /etc/group.bkp

    id ubuntu

    groupmod -g 600 ubuntu

    id ubuntu

4. Review and Change Parameters

For EdgeGallery AIO Mode:


  •           Here user can use the private IP of a node

          Image Added


  • NETWORK_INTERFACE: regex for network interface on the VM. (user can be check ineterrface name by ifconfig and provide inerface name accordingly for example like eth.* )  
  • MASTER_IP: Here user can use the private IP of a node
  •  PORTAL_IP:  If portal need to be access over internet then uncomment the  PORTAL_IP and use public IP as a PORTAL_IP otherwise portal will be accessible only on private IP default.

          Image Added


  •   All passwords must include capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters and whose length must be no less than 8 characters. Also there should be no special characters in it. Otherwise, the deployment will failed because of these simple passwords.
  • A sample password could be "Harbor@12345"

         Image Added

    For EdgeGallery MUNO Mode:


  •           Here user can use the private IP as a master IP of  a Controller node

           Image Added


  • NETWORK_INTERFACE: regex for network interface on the VM. (user can be check ineterrface name by ifconfig and provide inerface name accordingly for example like eth.* )  
  • MASTER_IP: Here user can use the private IP of a controller node
  •  PORTAL_IP:  If portal need to be access over internet then uncomment the  PORTAL_IP and use public IP of a controller node as a PORTAL_IP otherwise portal will be accessible only on private IP default.
  • CONTROLLER_MASTER_IP:   Private IP of the Controller node.

           Image Added


  •  Here user can use the private IP as a master IP of  a Edge node

            Image Added


  • NETWORK_INTERFACE: regex for network interface on the VM. (user can be check ineterrface name by ifconfig and provide inerface name accordingly for example like eth.* )  
  • MASTER_IP: Here user can use the private IP of a edge node
  • OCD_IP: Here user can use the private IP of a Controller Node which is used for Edge to connect

            Image Added


  •   All passwords must include capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters and whose length must be no less than 8 characters. Also there should be no special characters in it. Otherwise, the deployment will failed because of these simple passwords.
  • A sample password could be "Harbor@12345"

            Image Added

For EALT-EDGE stack:


                  * Here user can put the public IP in center, edge, ocdhost node.

          Image Added

Installing Mode : EALTEdge using Ansible-Playbooks

1. git clone the ealt-edge repo, to download the software to install the EALTEdge Environment.

root@akraino-mec-0001:~# git clone ""

2. go to the below directory 

root@akraino-mec-0001:~# cd ealt-edge/ocd/infra/playbooks

3. Modify the Configuration File :

ealt-inventory.ini with the details of CENTER and EDGE Nodes. 

For Edge Gallery installation:


Execute the below command:

cd ealt-edge/ocd/infra/playbooks

ansible-playbook -i muno-config/controller/hosts-muno-controller ealt-eg-muno-controller.yml --extra-vars "operation=install" -e "ansible_user=root"

ansible-playbook -i muno-config/edge/hosts-muno-edge ealt-eg-muno-edge.yml --extra-vars "operation=install" -e "ansible_user=root"

For AIO mode:

Execute the below command

cd ealt-edge/ocd/infra/playbooks

ansible-playbook ealt-eg-aio-latest.yml -i hosts-aio --extra-vars "operation=install" -e "ansible_user=root"

Installation of ealt-edge stack:

ansible-playbook ealt-all.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --extra-vars "operation=install"

Once the execution is completed in console will see prompt "EALTEdge Environment Installed  , Components Install CENTER and EDGE Nodes Successfully"

Snapshot Deployment Overview


Special Requirements for Virtual Deployments


Install Jump Host


Verifying the Setup - VM's


Upstream Deployment Guide

Upstream Deployment Key Features


Special Requirements for Upstream Deployments


Scenarios and Deploy Settings for Upstream Deployments


Including Upstream Patches with Deployment




Interacting with Containerized Overcloud


Verifying the Setup

Verifying EALTEdge Deployment

Currently the verification is manually done. 

In muno mode

1- Login to the Center Node and check whether K8S cluster is installed.

Components and Services running in Controller Node

Image Added

Components and Services running EDGE Node

Image Added

Deploy Application in EALTEdge

  1. Login to MECM Portal https://ip:30093

             1.1   click on Systems ->App LCM ->New  Registration

All the nodes should have internet connectivity , network interface and network connectivity between the  VM's.

Standard Deployment Overview

Jump Host Software Installations:

Login to the Jump Host and perform the below steps:

  1. Install Ansible > 2.10.7 []
  2. Install git
  3. Install python3 and pip3

Jump Host Pre-Configurations for Center Components Installation

Login to the Jump Host and perform the below configuration steps (Steps : as below-

1. Generate public key : #ssh-keygen -t rsa

2. Setup password-less login from ocd to center and ocd to edge.  

sshpass -p <password> ssh-copy-id -p <ssh-port> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@<node_ip>

3. Review and Change Parameters

For EdgeGallery MUNO Mode







For EdgeGallery AIO Mode





For EALT-EDGE stack:


Installing Mode : EALTEdge using Ansible-Playbooks

1. git clone the ealt-edge repo, to download the software to install the EALTEdge Environment.

root@akraino-mec-0001:~# git clone ""

2. go to the below directory 

root@akraino-mec-0001:~# cd ealt-edge/ocd/infra/playbooks

3. Modify the Configuration File :

ealt-inventory.ini with the details of CENTER and EDGE Nodes. 

For Edge Gallery installation:


Execute the below command:

cd ealt-edge/ocd/infra/playbooks

ansible-playbook -i muno-config/controller/hosts-muno-controller ealt-eg-muno-controller.yml --extra-vars "operation=install" -e "ansible_user=root"

ansible-playbook -i muno-config/edge/hosts-muno-edge ealt-eg-muno-edge.yml --extra-vars "operation=install" -e "ansible_user=root"

For AIO mode:

Execute the below command

cd ealt-edge/ocd/infra/playbooks

ansible-playbook ealt-eg-aio-latest.yml -i hosts-aio --extra-vars "operation=install" -e ansible_user=root"

Installation of ealt-edge stack:

ansible-playbook ealt-all.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --extra-vars "operation=install"

Once the execution is completed in console will see prompt "EALTEdge Environment Installed  , Components Install CENTER and EDGE Nodes Successfully"

Snapshot Deployment Overview


Special Requirements for Virtual Deployments


Install Jump Host


Verifying the Setup - VM's


Upstream Deployment Guide

Upstream Deployment Key Features


Special Requirements for Upstream Deployments


Scenarios and Deploy Settings for Upstream Deployments


Including Upstream Patches with Deployment




Interacting with Containerized Overcloud


Verifying the Setup

Verifying EALTEdge Deployment

Currently the verification is manually done. 

  1. Login to the Center Node and check whether K8S cluster is installed.

Components and Services running in CENTER Node

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Components and Services running EDGE Node

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Deploy Application in EALTEdge

  1. Login to MECM Portal https://ip:30093

             1.1   click on Systems ->App LCM ->New  Registration

                     Name: Applcm(any general name)

                     IP: applcm"public ip"

                     Port: 30204

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Image Removed

             1.2.   click on Systems ->App Rule -> New Registration 

                     Name: Apprule(any general name)

                     IP: applcm"public ip"

                     Port: 30206

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Image Removed

             1.3.   click on Systems ->App Store ->New Registration 

                     App Store Name: appstore(any general name)

                     IP: Appstore public ip

                     Port: 30099

                     Appstore Repo: {HarborIP:443}(

                     Repo Name: appstore(any general name)

                     Repo Username: admin(harbor user name)

                     Repo Password: Harbor@edge(harbor password)

                     Vendor: vendor(any general name)

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Image Removed

2. log in to MECM Portal https://ip:30093 

             2.1.   Add k8s node:

                     Click on Edge Nodes ->New Rgistration     

                     System: k8s

                     Name: edge1 Applcm(any general name)

                     IP: edge public IP applcm"public ip"

                     Location: Select from the drop-down Port: 30204

Image Added

Image Added

             1.2.   click on Systems ->App Store ->New Registration 

                     Architecture: x86 App Store Name: appstore(any general name)

                     Capabilities: select none IP: Appstore public ip

                     App LCM: Select edge IP from the drop-down box Port: 30099

                     App Rule MGR: Select edge IP from the drop-down box

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   Appstore Repo: {HarborIP:443}(

                     2.2.   Download /root/.kube/config file from edge node Repo Name: appstore(any general name)

                      And click on Upload config file to upload.

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3. log in to harbor Portal https://ip:443Repo Username: admin(harbor user name)

             3.1.    Add three new projects

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             3.2. Those three projects' names are appstore, developer, and mecm. And select access level to the public.

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       Repo Password: Harbor@edge(harbor password)

                 3.3. Final page will look like the below screenshot.

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     Vendor: vendor(any general name)

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Image Added

2    4. log in to Developer Portal MECM Portal https://ip:30092

             4.1.   Add sandbox env to deploy application before publishing


                      2.1.   Add k8s node:

Click System ->Host Management ->Add HostImage Removed                     Click on Edge Nodes ->New Rgistration  .    

             Name: general name              System: k8s

                   Lcmip   Name: sandbox ip(for testing purpose can provide edge ip, if no sandbox env)edge1(any general name)

                   mecHost: sandbox ip(for testing purpose can provide edge ip, if no sandbox env)   IP: edge public IP

                     Location: Select from the drop-down

         Port: 30204              Protocol Architecture: httpsx86

             Architecture: X86         Capabilities: select none

                 Status: Normal     App LCM: Select edge IP from the drop-down box

                     Port Range: leave as it is App Rule MGR: Select edge IP from the drop-down box

Image Added

               2.2.   Download /root/.kube/config file from edge node

     Address: Bangalore              UploadConfig File: upload sandboxenvkubeconfig file       4.2   Click on Workspace -> Create Project -> Application Integration -> Start

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And click on Upload config file to upload.

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3. log in to harbor Portal https://ip:443

              - Go to Application Integration 3.1.   Add three new projects

Image AddedImage Removed

             - Provide App Name, Version, Provider, Workload Type, Architecture, Industry, Type. 

             - Upload Icon, provide Description. And click on confirm.

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 3.2. Those three projects' names are appstore, developer, and mecm. And select access level to the public.

Image Added

           3.3. Final page will look like the below screenshot.

Image Added

       4. log in to Developer Portal https://ip:30092

             4.1.   Add sandbox env to deploy application before publishing      4.3.  Now click on Deployment Test.

               Upload Docker images directly from the portal by clicking on Upload App Image. 

  1. docker save -o <path-to-save>/<repo-name>.tar <repo-name>:<tag> 

       Click System ->Host Management ->Add Host

Image Added                      After that you can take tar file from path and upload image. 

             Name: general name

            Or, directly push Docker images to Harbor repo (takes lesser time, preferred). Following command for pushing an image in Harbor: 


 System: k8s

             Lcmip: sandbox ip(for testing purpose can provide edge ip, if no sandbox env)

             mecHost: sandbox ip(for testing purpose can provide edge ip, if no sandbox env)

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             Port: 30204

-     Click next, upload deployment yaml file now.

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         Protocol: https

    -      After config upload, click next and click start deployment      Architecture: X86

        -      After Deployment is successful, click on Release Recourses

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 Status: Normal

            Note: Port Range: leave as it is

            -      While Deployment test if any error happens, open ATP portal (https://ip:30094) in another tab of the browser, sign in,  come back to the developer portal and re run deployment test  Address: Bangalore

            - repo provides A lot of applications with their logo, deployment YAML & user guides UploadConfig File: upload sandboxenvkubeconfig file

      3.4.  Now click on Application Release  4.2  Demonstration of application Development & Deployment

                   Upload file for Application Description

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     Application Development
             Click save config

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             Click Next Step, click Start Test, scroll down to find & click the Start Test button, then confirm. Once the testing is complete click on Next Step

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 link -

                       Application Deployment
                       click publish to publish an application to AppStore. Go to  link - https://<IP>:30091 and App Warehouse to confirm that the application is successfully ported.Image

Developer  Guide and Troubleshooting
