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There is a Makefile on the root directory of this project. In order to deploy you will need to use the following syntax:

export CREDENTIALS=file://$(pwd)/akraino-secrets
export BASE_REPO="git::"
export BASE_PATH="aws/3-node"
export SITE_REPO="git::"
export SETTINGS_PATH="aws/sample_settings.yaml"
make deploy


environment variabledescription
BASE_REPORepository for the base manifests. This is the repository where the default manifest templates are stored. For Akraino, it's defaulting to git::
BASE_PATHInside BASE_REPO, there is one specific folder for each blueprint and provider: aws/1-node, libvirt/1-node, etc... So you need to specify a folder inside BASE_REPO, that will match the type of deployment that you want to execute.
SITE_REPORepository for the site manifests. Each site can have different manifests and settings, this needs to be a per-site repository where individual settings need to be stored, and where the generated manifests per site will be stored. For Akraino, it's defaulting to git::

Specific site settings. Once the site repository is being cloned, it needs to contain a settings.yaml file with the per-site settings. This needs to be the path inside the SITE_REPO where the settings.yaml is contained. In Akraino, a sample settings file for AWS and libvirt is provided. You can see it on aws/sample_settings.yaml and libvirt/sample_settings.yaml on the SITE_REPO. You should create your own settings specific for your deployment.

Settings Specific for AWS DeploymentsHow to deploy for AWS

There are two different footprints for AWS: 1 master/1 worker, and 3 masters/3 workers. Makefile needs to be called with:

make deploy<git_user>/akraino-secrets.git BASE_REPO=git:: BASE_PATH=[aws/1-node | aws/3-node] SITE_REPO=git:: SETTINGS_PATH=aws/sample_settings.yaml

Site Configurations for Deployments to AWS

Deploying to AWS requires a site-config.yaml file to be created that looks like thisThe settings file will look like:

  baseDomain: ""
  clusterName: "kni-edge"
  clusterCIDR: ""
  clusterSubnetLength: 9
  machineCIDR: ""
  serviceCIDR: ""
  SDNType: "OpenShiftSDN"
  AWSRegion: "us-westeast-1"





DNS zone matching with the one created on Route53, e.g. ""


name you are going to give to the cluster, e.g. "site-01"


region where you want your cluster to deploy, e.g. "us-east-1"

The other values (clusterCIDR, clusterSubnetLength, machineCIDR, serviceCIDR, SDNType) can be left with the defaults


as above

Then, when deploying the cluster, apply the settings using:

make deploy SETTINGS_PATH=site-config.yaml BASE_PATH="aws/3-node"

Note: The make process will create the needed artifacts and will start the deployment of the specified cluster. Please consider that, for security reasons. , AWS has disabled the SSH access to nodes.If  If you need to SSH for any reason, please take a look at `Unable to SSH into Master Nodes` section from the following document:

How to deploy for Libvirt

There are two different footprints for libvirt: 1 master/1 worker, and 3 masters/3 workers. Makefile needs to be called with:

make deploy<git_user>/akraino-secrets.git BASE_REPO=git:: BASE_PATH=[libvirt/1-node|libvirt/3-node] SITE_REPO=git:: SETTINGS_PATH=libvirt/sample_settings.yaml  INSTALLER_PATH=file:///${GOPATH}/bin/openshift-install

in the upstream troubleshooting documentation.

Site Configurations for Deployments to libvirt

Deploying to libvirt requires a site-config.yaml file to be created that looks like thisA sample settings.yaml file has been created specifically for Libvirt targets. It needs to look like:

  baseDomain: "tt.testing"
  clusterName: "test"
  clusterCIDR: ""
  clusterSubnetLength: 9
  machineCIDR: ""
  serviceCIDR: ""
  SDNType: "OpenShiftSDN"
  libvirtURI: "qemu+tcp://"



baseDomainDNS zone matching with the entry created in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/openshift.conf during the libvirt-howto machine setup. (tt.testing by default)


name you are going to give to the cluster


, e.g. "site-01"
libvirtURIhost IP of the prepared virthost, e.g. "qemu+tcp://"

The other values (clusterCIDR, clusterSubnetLength, machineCIDR, serviceCIDR, SDNType)


can be left with the defaults as above

Then, when deploying the cluster, apply the settings using:

make deploy SETTINGS_PATH=site-config.yaml BASE_PATH="libvirt/3-node"


There is a recording of the deployment of a Libvirt blueprint with to libvirt (1 master and , 1 worker. Please, see the following link to watch it: ) here:

Temporary workaround

Currently Note: Currently the installer is failing when adding console to the cluster for libvirt. In order to make it work, please follow instructions on


Then cluster can be managed with the kubectl or oc (drop-in replacement with advanced functionality) CLI tools. To get the oc client, see "Step 5 - Accessing your new cluster" at


Destroying the



In order to destroy the running cluster and clean up your environment, run

make clean


The openshift-installer binaries are published on

For faster deploy, you can grab the installer from the upper link. However, there may be situations where you need to compile your own installer (such as the case of libvirt), or you need a newer version. You can build the binary following the instructions on, or you can use the provided target from our project.

The binary can be produced with the following command:

make binary

It accepts an additional INSTALLER_GIT_TAG parameter that allows to specify the installer version that you want to build. Once built, the openshift-install is placed in the build directory. This binary can be copied into $GOPATH/bin for easier use. Once generated, the new installer can be used with an env var:

export INSTALLER_PATH=http://<url_to_binary>/openshift-install

Or pass it as a parameter to make command.


Use your own manifests

openshift-installer is also able to produce manifests, that end users can modify and deploy a cluster with the modified settings. New manifests can be generated with:

/path/to/openshift-install create manifests

This will generate a pair of folders: manifests and openshift.

Those manifests can be modified with the desired values. After that this code can be executed to generate a new cluster based on the modified manifests:


Troubleshooting the Cluster

Please see the upstream documentation for details.