Versions Compared


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5.API Name: Terminate ApplicationType : POST 

Interface : MM3 (OSS→ MEO, MEO->MEPM)

DescriptionTo instantiate the application instance
Resource URI/ealtedge/mepm/app_lcm/v1/app_instances/{appInstanceId}/terminate
Request Body Parameters

R3 - API Documentation Enterprise Application on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge) [WIP]                     


Response Codes202 -  Accepted. The request was accepted for processing, but the processing has not yet been completed
Response Parameters - Response Body is Empty

MEC Service Management

Get Service



1.API NameCreate Application InstanceGet Service ListType : GETInterface : MM1
DescriptionTo get the List of all the Services Registered in MEP services

Request Body Parameters - No Parameters
Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Get Service

2.API Name
Type : GETInterface : MM1
DescriptionGet Service Information of a specific service. Service Id is passed in the request URI
Resource URI/ealtedge/mep/mec_service_mgmt/v1/services/serviceId
Request Body Parameters - No Parameters
Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription




3.API NameService RegistrationType :
POSTInterface : MM1
DescriptionThis method is used to create a mecService resource that is associated with the application instance. This method is typically used in "service availability update and new service registration" procedure
Resource URI/ealtedge/
Request Body Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
Response Codes201 : Created
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Service Discovery

ServiceInfo1ComplexUpon success, the HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the created resource.

.API NameService RegistrationType :
GETInterface : MM1
DescriptionThis method retrieves information about a list of mecService resources that is associated with an application instance. This method is typically used in "service availability query" procedure
Resource URI/ealtedge/
Request Body Parameters – None
Response Codes201 : Created
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
ServiceInfo0..NComplexUpon success, a response body containing an array of the mecServices is returned.

Service Management Subscription

5.API NameService Management SubscriptionType : GETInterface : MM1
DescriptionThe GET method may be used to request information about all subscriptions for this requestor. Upon success, the response contains payload body with all the subscriptions for the requestor
Resource URI/ealtedge/mec_service_mgmt/v1/applications/{appInstanceId}/subscriptions
Request Body Parameters - None
Response Codes
200 : OK
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription

Service Discovery

SubscriptionLinkList1ComplexUpon success, a response body containing the list of links to the requested subscriptions is returned.

Service Subscription

.API NameNew service SubscriptionType :
POSTInterface : MM1
DescriptionThe POST method may be used to create a new subscription. One example use case is to create a new subscription to the MEC service availability notifications. Upon success, the response contains payload body describing the created subscription. This method is typically used in "Subscribing to service availability event notifications" procedure
Resource URI/ealtedge
Request Body Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
SerAvailabilityNotificatio nSubscription1ComplexPayload body in the request contains a subscription to the MEC service availability notifications that is to be created.
Response Codes201 : Created
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
SerAvailabilityNotificatio nSubscription1ComplexUpon success, the HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the created subscription resource.

Individual Service


Management Subscription

7.API Nameindividual mecSrvMgmtSubscriptionType :
GETInterface : MM1
DescriptionThe GET method requests information about a subscription for this requestor. Upon success, the response contains payload body with the subscription for the requestor
Resource URI/ealtedge/
Request Body Parameters - None
Response Codes201
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
SerAvailabilityNotification Subscription1ComplexUpon success, a response body containing the requested subscription is returned.

Individual Service Management Deletion

8.API NameDelete mecSrvMgmtSubscriptionType : DELETEInterface : MM1
Description.This method is typically used in "Unsubscribing from event notifications" procedure
Resource URI/ealtedge/mec_service_mgmt/v1/applications/{appInstanceId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Request Body Parameters - None
Response Codes
204 : No content
Response Parameters - None

Get Service Information

9.API NameGet Service InformationType : GETInterface : MM1
DescriptionThis method retrieves information about a mecService resource that is associated with an application instance. This method is typically used in "service availability query"
Resource URI/ealtedge/mec_service_mgmt/v1/applications/{appInstanceId}/services/{serviceId}
Request Body Parameters - None
Response Codes200: OK
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
ServiceInfo1ComplexIt is used to indicate nonspecific success. The response body contains a representation of the resource.

Update Service



10.API NameUpdate Service InformationType :
GETInterface : MM1
DescriptionThis method updates the information about a mecService resource that is associated with the application instance
Resource URI/ealtedge
Request Body Parameters - None
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
ServiceInfo1ComplexIt is used to indicate nonspecific success. The response body contains a representation of the resource.
Response Body Parameters - None
Response Codes200: OK
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription
ServiceInfo1ComplexUpon success, a response body containing data type describing the updated ServiceInfo is returned.

Service Deregistration Information

11.API NameService DeregistrationType : DELETEInterface : MM1
DescriptionThis method deletes a mecService resource. This method is typically used in the service deregistration procedure
Resource URI/ealtedge/mec_service_mgmt/v1/applications/{appInstanceId}/services/{serviceId}
Request Body Parameters - None
Response Codes
204 : No Content
Response Parameters
Parameter NameCardinalityTypeDescription




TerminateAppRequest Parameters

Attribute NameCardinalityData TypeDescription

Indicates whether forceful or graceful termination is
requested. See note.
• FORCEFUL: it will shut down the application
instance and release the resources immediately
after accepting the request. See note.
• GRACEFUL: it will first arrange to take the
application instance out of service after
accepting the request. Once the operation of
taking the application instance out of service
finishes or once the timer value specified in the
"gracefulTerminationTimeout" attribute expires,
it will shut down the application instance and
release the resources.

gracefulTerminationTimeout0..1IntegerThis attribute is only applicable in case of graceful
termination. It defines the time to wait for the
application instance to be taken out of service before
shutting down the application and releasing the
The unit is seconds.
If not given and the "terminationType" attribute is set to
"GRACEFUL", it is expected to wait for the successful
taking out of service of the application, no matter how
long it takes, before shutting down the application and
releasing the resources.


ServiceInfo Parameters

Attribute NameCardinalityData TypeDescription
serInstanceId0..1SerInstanceIdIdentifier of the service instance assigned by the MEPM/MEC platform. For the uniqueness of the identifier across the MEC system, UUID format [i.7] is recommended. Shall be absent in POST requests, and present otherwise.
serName1serNameThe name of the service. This is how the service producing MEC application identifies the service instance it produces.
serCategory0..1CategoryRefA Category reference. (The category resource is used to group product offerings, service and resource candidates in logical containers. Categories may contain other categories and/or product offerings, resource or service candidates.) (see note 1) For the serCategory, the example values include: 1. "RNI" 2. "Location" 3. "Bandwidth Management".
version1StringVersion of the Service
state1ServiceStateContains the service state.
transportId0..1StringIdentifier of the platform-provided transport to be used by the service. Valid identifiers may be obtained using the "Transport information query" procedure. May be present in POST requests to signal the use of a platform-provided transport for the service, and shall be absent otherwise.
transportInfo0..1TransportInfoInformation regarding the transport used by the service. May be present in POST requests to signal the use of an application-provided transport for the service, and shall be present otherwise.
serializer1Serializer TypeIndicate the supported serialization format of the service
scopeOfLocality0..1LocalityTypeThe scope of locality as expressed by "consumedLocalOnly" and "isLocal". If absent, defaults to MEC_HOST
consumedLocalOnly0..1BooleanIndicate whether the service can only be consumed by the MEC applications located in the same locality (as defined by scopeOfLocality) as this service instance (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Default to TRUE if absent.
isLocal0..1BooleanIndicate whether the service is located in the same locality (as defined by scopeOfLocality) as the consuming MEC application (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Default to TRUE if absent.


TransportInfo Parameters

Attribute NameCardinalityData TypeDescription
id1stringThe identifier of this transport.
name1stringThe name of this transport. .
description0..1stringHuman-readable description of this transport.
type1R3 - API Documentation Enterprise Application on Lightweight 5G Telco Edge (EALTEdge) [WIP]Type of the transport
protocol1stringThe name of the protocol used. Shall be set to "HTTP" for a REST API
version1StringThe version of the protocol used.
endpoint1EndPointInfoInformation about the endpoint to access the transport.
security1SecurityInfoIndicate the supported serialization format of the service
implSpecificInfo0..1Not SpecifiedAdditional implementation specific details of the transport.



TransportType Parameters

Enumeration ValueDescription
REST_HTTPRESTful API using HTTP (as defined in IETF RFC 7230 [11] and related specifications).
MB_TOPIC_BASEDTopic-based message bus which routes messages to receivers based on subscriptions, if a pattern passed on subscription matches the topic of the message. EXAMPLE: MQTT (see [i.4])
MB_ROUTINGRouting-based message bus which routes messages to receivers based on subscriptions, if a key passed on subscription is equal to the key of the message.
MB_PUBSUBPublish-subscribe based message bus which distributes messages to all subscribers.
RPCRemote procedure call. EXAMPLE: GRPC
RPC_STREAMINGRemote procedure call supporting streams of requests and responses. EXAMPLE: GRPC
WEBSOCKETWebsockets as defined in IETF RFC 6455 [12].