Test  Minimum Requirements

Test Architecture

For the minimum deployment, we ONLY test the function of the virtual classroom.   Just deploy two clients and a server, shown in purple color, will be OK. 

If you would like to test CI/CD functions, we would suggest deploying the functions shown in green color.

Furthermore, if you want to test the scale-out feature,  adding more Client Devices and backend servers are required.

Test Steps

Step 1:  Run Virtual Classroom in the backend 

After everything is installed successfully(In terms of the detail installation, refer to R3 Installation Document),   run the virtual classroom application via the following commands:  

cd /root/openvidu-vr/openvidu-vr-room

http-server -S

Step 2:  Test on your PC via the browser

               Note well:  Make sure 8080 port is NOT blocked by the firewall.

Open Firefox on PC and visit the website: IP Address + 8080(Port Number)

Step 3: Test Teacher Mode

Press the Teacher Mode button and check the Teacher mode.  In teacher mode,  you will see the classroom as a teacher's view.  You can see some students are in the classroom and are listening to your presentation. Then test talking to the student, test on-and-off the presentation screen as so on. 

Step 4: Test Student Mode

Press the Student Mode button and check the Student mode.  In Student mode,  you will see the classroom as a student's view.  You can see the teacher and other students on the remote side. Then test talking to the teacher and other students, test on-and-off the presentation screen as so on. 

Enjoy the virtual classroom!

BluVal Testing

1.bluval installation

mkdir demo
cd demo
mkdir results
git clone https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/validation.git
cd validation
vi tests/variables.yaml  ## update k8s related ip. due to this bp do not use k8s , we don't need to change.

vi bluval/volumes.yaml

# location of the ssh key to access the cluster
local: '/home/thorking/.ssh/'
target: '/root/.ssh/'
# location of the k8s access files (config file, certificates, keys)
local: '/home/thorking/demo/.kube/'
target: '/root/demo/.kube/'
# location of the customized variables.yaml
local: '/home/thorking/demo/validation/tests/variables.yaml'
target: '/opt/akraino/validation/tests/variables.yaml'
# location of the bluval-<blueprint>.yaml file
local: '/home/thorking/demo/validation/bluval'
target: '/opt/akraino/validation/bluval'
# location on where to store the results on the local jumpserver
local: '/home/thorking/demo/results'
target: '/opt/akraino/results'
# location on where to store openrc file
local: '/home/thorking/openrc'
target: '/root/openrc'

vi bluval/bluval-iec-type4.yaml

name: iec-type4
- os
- docker

os: &os
name: lynis
what: lynis
optional: "False"
name: vuls
what: vuls
optional: "False"

k8s: &k8s
name: conformance
what: conformance
optional: "False"
name: kube-hunter
what: kube-hunter
optional: "False"

./bluval/blucon.sh -l os iec-type4

Debug: /opt/akraino/results/os/vuls/debug.log
Output: /opt/akraino/results/os/vuls/output.xml
Log: /opt/akraino/results/os/vuls/log.html
Report: /opt/akraino/results/os/vuls/report.html

2. Troubleshooting
##Iptable issues for centOS8
vi /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf
in config file change
save change and reload firewalld
systemctl restart firewalld.service