The Radio Edge Cloud blueprint is member of the Telco Appliance blueprint family which is designed to provide a fully integration tested appliance tuned to meet the requirements of the RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC). When complete it will include automated configuration and integration testing from the below the OS up through RIC (from As a member of the Telco Appliance blueprint family it shares many hardware and software components, including installation, configuration management and APIs with other family members. Each family member will be a separate appliance with a close family resemblance to its siblings.

Key Attributes


Target Hardware

Radio Edge Cloud is intended as a bare metal deployment system, so it does hardware detection using the code in the Hardware Detector repository (ta/hw-detector (tree view)) and therefore may need updates in order to support hardware other than what the active blueprint contributors are using. Such contributions are welcome, but it is worth knowing that the primary contributors are doing all testing on the hardware described in Radio Edge Cloud Validation Lab and Radio Edge Cloud Validation Lab (ARM64) so these are what we have the most experience with. The REC Installation Guide does provide some information on installing on other hardware and we welcome contributions to either the installation guide or the hardware detector repository if there is an interest in improving support for other hardware.

Child Pages

Objective and Context of REC Blueprint

Historical Information

Original Proposal Presentation:

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