
  • Julie
  • David
  • Ciprian
  • Tina
  • Zack
  • Tom


  • Validation lab status update
  • Documentation status update
    • Final documentation review scheduled for 11/15/19
    • review self-certification slide deck and wiki updates
  • how to coordinate between Akraino/ONF for upstreaming work for SEBA for TA on ARM - multi-architecture brigade (Tina)


  • Validation lab - no change, nightly builds occurring
  • Documentation - David will work with Julie during 2nd half of this week
  • What is status of SEBA on TA regarding issue with charts, APIs
    • Zack opened up a JIRA ticket in the SEBA JIRA system
    • for release 2, we will use the workaround implemented by David - not expecting to resolve issue immediately
  • Request from Ciprian for David to send info on how to use regional controller to deploy (how to specify the application to load?)
    • Currently RIC and SEBA both require manual installation on top of REC; Jenkins job runs after REC build to install application via script
    • Next Monday, review Install. guide on call - identify follow-up questions at that time
  • Tina: upstreaming - how to coordinate between Akraino community and ONF community, need to get upstream patches merged for SEBA on TA for ARM
    • Zack:  Cachengo had a method of building images that worked; current issue is that ONF doesn't have experts to do ARM build
      • need to get AWS account set up, build AMI images for ARM, etc. (Tina indicated she can fund - she would be contact for account issues, Ciprian would be technical SME contact)
      • need ARM to set up on AWS account where start/stop work occurs (i.e, not on the account where long-term jobs run
    • maybe share a billing account but a different role? separate account and invoice?  separate account billed separately? (Zack will check at ONF on best way to handle account)
    • Ciprian: question on retrieving images for ARM that are not part of openCORD;
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