
  • Julie Lorentzen
  • Ciprian Barbu
  • Tom Moore
  • Tina Tsou
  • Zack Williams
  • David Plunkett


  • Status check on Release 2 blueprint (target mid-Jan for public release)
  • Discuss near-term plans


  • Near term work will likely focus on ARM-based implementation; likely will still need to use custom charts (due to upstream dependencies/timeline)
  • In ONF/SEBA/VOLTHA, would be good to have a job to have periodic system tests run against ARM-based system as well (voltha sanity test, ...); Zack provided link (, Ciprian will see if tests can be replicated manually for ARM
    • Currently, issue with testing every ONF VOLTHA patchset against ARM system is related to ARM hardware availability for testing (to replicate and resolve problem)
  • Zack: recommend getting kind-voltha to run on ARM; try to get periodic sanity tests running on ARM - Ciprian agreed to look at this
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