Versions Compared


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  • To create secure overlays where each overlay connects application and hub clusters together.
  • To allow application connectivity with external entities and entities of other clusters.

System Architecture

SDEWAN central controller The system includes the following components micro-services as showed in below diagram:

  • SDEWAN Central Controller:
    • API Router:


    • provides REST API router for SDEWAN Central Controller
    • OverlayObjectManager: overlay registration, generate overlay root cert
    • HubObjectManager: hub registration and setup hub connection mesh
    • DeviceObjectManager: device/cluster registration and setup device connection mesh (if device has public IP)
    • HubDeviceObjectManager: setup connection between hub and device
    • IPRangeObjectManager: ip range registration and allocate/free overlay ip for device
    • ProposalObjectManager: proposal registration
    • DeviceConnManager: only support GET, query connection status of device
    • HubConnObjectManager: only support GET, query connection status of hub
    • Observability framework: system status monitoring, including connection status, CNF status etc.
  • Rsync
  • Web UI: a HTML5 based web UI to provide configuration of Application Cluster Registration, Hub Registration, Overlay, Application/Service Registration and Status tracking.
  • API Server: Exports Restful API for Application Cluster management, Hub management, Overlay management, Status monitoring management, logging.
  • Scheduler Manager: a daemon service which accepts request from API server from SDEWAN Central Controller (through RPC) then generates deploy relevant K8s CRs of SD-EWAN CNFs of various hubs and edges to establish the tunnels.
  • SDEWAN Management Mongo DB: a database to store information such as edge clusters, hubs, overlays, ip addresses, application/services etc.
  • Etcd: a metadata database to exchange configuration information between SDEWAN Central Controller and Rsync

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System Design




  • Central Cloud has public IP as CIP
  • Traffic Hub has public IP as HIP1 HIP2, ...
  • Edge Location (Device) may have public IP in one edge node as EIP1, ... or don't have public IP (behind a gateway as EGIP1, ...)\

IPSec Tunnel mode Connection for control plane (e.g. central cloud to k8s API server)

  • Central Cloud to Traffic Hub: Host to HostDirect connection through Hub's public IP
  • Central Cloud to Edge Location:
    • Edge location has public IP: Host to Host Direct connection through Edge Location's public IP
    • Edge location does not have public IP: Initiator (edge) to Responder (Central cloud)Using Edge Location owned hub's SDEWAN CNF as proxy

IPSec Tunnel mode for data plane (for data traffic)

  • Edge to Edge: Host to host
  • Edge to Hub: Host (edge) to Site (Hub, using edge's subnet as rightsubnet)
  • Hub to Hub: Host to Host


  1. Control plane and data plane share the same interface in Hub? Edge Location?
  2. Control plane IPSec tunnel between Central Cloud with Hub is setup during Hub registeration in Central Cloud
  3. Control plane IPSec tunnel between Central Cloud with Edge location (with public IP) is setup during edge location registeration in Central Cloud
  4. Control plane IPSec tunnel between Central Cloud with Edge location (with private IP) is setup during edge location setup (depedency to check: IPsec tunnel for Initiator to Responder requires Responder to be run first)

Environment Setup (Pre-condition)


  • K8s cluster is setup (by Kud)
  • Web UI (Optional), API Server, SDEWAN controllerRsync backend, DB service are deployed (manually or through EMCO)
  • Central SDEWAN Config Agent and CNF are deployed (through EMCO) with initial configuration (e.g. as Responder for Edge location without public IP, left: CIP, leftsubnet: from IP Address manager?, rightsourceip: from IP Address manager?)

Traffic Hub:

  • K8s cluster is setup (by Kud)
  • Hub SDEWAN Config Agent CRD Controller and CNF are deployed (through EMCO) with initial configuration (e.g. As Host for Control plane - left: HIP, right: CIP). Note: at this stage, the tunnel is not setup yetNAT: enable DNAT for k8s API service and Istio Ingress service).

Edge Location (With Public IP):

  • K8s cluster is setup (by Kud)
  • Edge SDEWAN Config Agent SDEWAN CRD Controller and CNF are deployed (through EMCO) with initial configuration (e.g. As Host for Control plane - left: EIP, right: CIP). Note: at this stage, the tunnel is not setup yet.NAT: enable DNAT for k8s API service and Istio Ingress service).

Edge Location (With Private IP):

  • K8s cluster is setup (by Kud)
  • Edge SDEWAN Config Agent SDEWAN CRD Controller and CNF are deployed (through EMCO) with initial configuration (e.g. As NAT: enable DNAT for k8s API service and Istio Ingress service; IPSec: as Initiator for Control plane - left: %any, leftsourceip:%config, right: CIPOwned Hub's HIP, rightsubnet: Note: at this stage, an OIP is assigned to the CNF and the tunnel is set up


  1. During current test, IPsec tunnel for Initiator to Responder requires Responder to be run before Initiatior, that means the SDEWAN CNF in Central cloud need to be run as Responder before a edge location (with private IP) setup, and the OIP Address range need to be confgiure first (read from IP address manager?) and can not be updated at run time, does this be expected behavior?
  2. Need to check how to get the assigned OIP after the tunnel between Central Cloud and Edge Location (with private ip) setup (through strongswan command?), this is required for Ip address manager and cluster register process.
  3. The registration of edge location information should be done by Admin manually or triggled automatically by EMCO's edge location registration process (assume simaliar information shared)?  

Flow: Hub

Register Hub:

  • Trigger: Admin add/update hub information in Web UI or Remote Client Call with below informations:
    • Name, Description
    • Public IP address list
    • Shared flag (whether the hub can be shared cross overlays)
    • Overlay name
    • CertificateId
    • Kubeconfig
  • Steps:
    • Save in DB
    • Setup control plane host-host tunnel with Central Cloud (e.g. Add a new IPSec policy in Central Cloud CNF with: left: CIP, right: HIP, CertificateId)


  1. In case multiple public IPs, needs to define which HIP should be used in tunnel with Central Cloud

Flow: Edge Location

Register Edge Location:

  • Trigger: Admin add/update edge location information in Web UI or Remote Client Call with below informations:
    • Name, Description
    • External IP address (empty if no public IP)
    • Flag as force Hub connectivity (Valid if external public IP is not empty)
    • Flag as use Hub for internet connectivity
    • Flag as Dedicated SFC
    • Number of overlay IP addresses
    • CertificateId
    • Kubeconfig
  • Steps:
    • Save in DB
    • if public ip is not empty, Setup host-host tunnel with Central Cloud (e.g. Add a new IPSec policy in Central Cloud CNF with: left: CIP, right: EIP, CertificateId)
    • if public ip is empty, no more actions (suppose the tunnel had been setup after edge location setup)


  1. the OIP for control plane (with Central Cloud) will be generated by Centran Cloud responder, shall this OIP be used for data plane (e.g. edge1↔hub↔edge2) or new OIP should be created (e.g. use Hub as responder) in Add-edge-location flow in overlay, and the Number of overlay IP address will be used to block Add-edge-location flow if exceed?

Flow: Overlay


  • Trigger: Admin add/update edge location information in Web UI or Remote Client Call with below informations:
    • Name, Description
    • CertificateId
    • Overlay IP ranges
  • Steps:
    • Save in DB




  1. A edge location can only belong to one overlay at the same time?

Flow: Application Connection


  1. The registration of application/microservice connection information is done by Admin manually or triggled automatically by EMCO's deployment process (assume simaliar information shared)?  

Error handling

DB Schema

Restful API definition and Back-End flow

ResourceDescriptionURLFieldsBack-End flow
OverlayDefine a group of edge location clusters (devices) and hubs, a overlay is usually owned by one customer and full mesh connections are setup automacally between hub-hub and device-device (with public IPs)/scc/v1/overlays
  • name
  • description
  • caid


  • SCC requests a CA from cert-manager, the CA is used as root CA for this overlay
  • SCC save the caid in DB
ProposalDefine proposals which can be used for IPsec tunnel in this overlay/scc/v1/overlays/{overlay-name}/proposals
  • name
  • description
  • encryption
  • hash
  • dhgroup


  • SCC saves the proposals information in DB
HubDefine a traffic Hub in an overlay/scc/v1/overlays/{overlay-name)/hubs
  • name
  • description
  • publicIps
  • certificateId
  • kubeConfig


  • SCC checks hub's k8s API server access with kubeConfig for each ip in publicIps
  • For each registered hub in this overlay
    • SCC requests cert-manager to generate a public/private key pair based on overlay CA
    • SCC generates the IPsec CR for new hub and registered hub then call rsync to deploy CR to setup route based host-host IPsec tunnel (with BGP/OSPF enabled):
      • All proposals in this Overlay will be used as candidate proposals for IPsec configuration
      • Use the public/privite key pair generated in previous step as IPsec cert
  • SCC saves hub information in DB
IPRangeDefine the overlay IPrange which will be used as OIP of devices/scc/v1/overlays/{overlay-name}/ipranges
  • name
  • description
  • subnet
  • minIp
  • maxIp


  • SCC save ip range information in DB
DeviceDefine a edge location device information which may be a CNF, VNF or PNF/scc/v1/overlays/{overlay-name}/devices
  • name
  • description
  • publicIps
  • forceHubConnectivity
  • proxyHub
  • proxyHubPort
  • useHub4Internet
  • dedidatedSFC
  • certicatedId
  • kubeConfig


  • If has publicIps and forceHubConnection==false:

    • SCC checks device's k8s API server access with kubeConfig for each ip in publicIps
    • For each registered device of this overlay:

      • SCC requests cert-manager to generate a public/private key pair based on overlay CA
      • SCC generates the IPsec CR for new device and registered device then call rsync to deploy CR to setup host-host IPsec tunnel:
        • All proposals in this Overlay will be used as candidate proposals for IPsec configuration
        • Use the public/privite key pair generated in previous step as IPsec cert
  • else
    • (Assumption) Kud configures device as Initiator to proxyHub
    • SCC find 1 available OIP from overlay's IPRange, configure then deploy (through rsync) IPsec CR for proxyHub as Responder with OIP as the only 1 candidate ip for Initiator
      • Expectation: the IPsec tunnel between proxyHub and device should setup up and the device will get the assigned OIP
    • SCC creates DNAT CR (dst: HIP, dst_port: proxyHubPort change to dst: OIP, dst_port: 6443) then deploy to proxyHub (SCC will auto geterate a proxyHubPort if not provided)
    • SCC checks device's k8s API server access with kubeConfig for proxyHub:proxyHubPort
    • For each registered device with public ip and forceHubConnection==false:

      • SCC requests cert-manager to generate a public/private key pair based on overlay CA
      • SCC generates the IPsec CR for new device and registered device (with public IP) then call rsync to deploy CR to setup host-host IPsec tunnel:
        • All proposals in this Overlay will be used as candidate proposals for IPsec configuration
        • Use the public/privite key pair generated in previous step as IPsec cert
  • SCC saves device information in DB
Hub-device connectionDefine a connection between hub and device/scc/v1/overlays/{overlay-name}/hubs/{hub-name}/devices/{device-name}
  • N/A


  • SCC find 1 available OIP from overlay's IPRange, configure then deploy (through rsync) IPsec CR for hub as Responder with OIP as the only 1 candidate ip for Initiator
  • SCC configure the deploy IPsec CR as Initiator to Hub for device
    • Expectation: the IPsec tunnel between hub and device should setup up and the device will get the assigned OIP

Todo: Confirm "ip route" rule for OIP in this hub and all other hub are setup automatically or need new CR to execute linux shell in host

Error handling

DB Schema

Module Design

Task Breakdowns

Scheduler Manager

-- Overlay: Setup tunnels for hubs and edges

Generates relevant K8s CRs of SD-EWAN CNFs of various hubs and edges to establish the tunnels
-- IP Address manager

Assigns/frees IP addresses from "overlay IP ranges" and dedicates them to that cluster
-- Application connectivity scheduler

Creates K8s resources required to be pushed into the edges and corresponding traffic hubs to facilitate the connectivity
-- Resource Synchronizer

-- CNF

API Server

-- Rest API Backend

Rest API server framework
-- DB Backend

Proxy to DB
-- Application Cluster management

-- Hub management

-- Overlay management

-- Status monitoring management

-- logging

Web UI

-- Web UI framework

-- Application Cluster Registration

-- Hub Registration

-- Overlay

-- Application/Service Registration

-- Status tracking

EMCO plugin for SDEWAN

E2E Integration

Integration test of overall system
