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root@akraino-mec-0002:~#ealt clean all 
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#ealt clean mecm
root@akraino-mec-0002:~#ealt clean mep

Vault documentation


**This document explains how to generate certificate by using vault and cert manager**
##Cluster Architecture


##Make a cluster
##The Image try to put with reference to our environment, with reference to EALT Edge. Can make a picture where Vault will be running in MEC Host (as Root CA) , ##Cert Manager and Applications (App1, App2)
##1. Add helm repo
helm repo add hashicorp
helm install vault hashicorp/vault
##2. Generate root token and Unseal Key
kubectl exec vault-0 -- vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1 -format=""
##Note: Root token we will use when we will login vault pod, Unseal Key and Root token will looks like below ex-
##Unseal Key 1: QcTX47IacKidIjFWSrkGLiQG1fwaqoInEz0SqAZ7rMs=
##Initial Root Token: s.A0SXgscZxbCeJRd1AjsVzvUU

##Generated Unseal key need to put in below command then vault will start running as a pod
kubectl exec -ti vault-0 -- vault operator unseal <Unseal Key>
##Vault is initialised as a pod
##By using below command can login in vault pod
kubectl exec -it vault-0 -- /bin/sh
##Vault Initialisation and Configuration Steps
####Once we initialize the vault pod we get unseal key and root token, need to put the root token
vault login <root token>
##Enable the PKI secrets engine
##By default, the secrets engine will mount at the name of the engine. To enable the secrets engine at a ##different path, use the -path argument.
vault secrets enable pki
##Keep the value in sync with the comment. 30 days, Increase the TTL by tuning the secrets engine. The default value of 30 days may be too short
vault secrets tune -default-lease-ttl=2160h -max-lease-ttl=87600h pki
##Configure a CA certificate and private key. It can generate ##its own self-signed root
## is a your common_name or base url
vault write pki/root/generate/internal ttl=8760h
##Update the CRL location and issuing certificates. These values can be updated in the future.
vault write pki/config/urls issuing_certificates="" crl_distribution_points=""
##It will allow your domain and subdomain
vault write pki/roles/my-role allow_subdomains=true max_ttl=8760h
##Generate a new credential by writing to the /issue endpoint with the name of the role
##The output will include a dynamically generated private key and certificate which corresponds to the ##given role
##The issuing CA and trust chain is also returned for automation simplicity
vault write pki/issue/my-role


##Now get ca certificate use below command
## is your vault ip, need to replace with latest vault ip

Kong documentation


**This document explains how to configure mep and kong**
##set up the EALT Environment. Refer the Installation Guide[Specify the installation guide wiki url]
##Mep will install as a pod

##First create setup by using below command server running in https
ansible-playbook ealt-all.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --extra-vars "operation=install mode=prod"
##For http use below command
ansible-playbook ealt-all.yml -i ealt-inventory.ini --extra-vars "operation=install mode=dev"
##Mep will install as a pod
##MEP services will be running in the MEC Host (MEP)
##Check the mep running or not use below command
kubectl get po -n mep
##Output -
kubectl get svc -n mep
##Output -
##Configure Kong
##HTTPS Env - Rest API request Adding Services and Adding Route in Kong API Gateway
##DNS mapping should be done correctly
