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At this time, images for the four custom services, sync-app and image-app and device-lora and device-camera, need to be built from source and pushed to the private Docker registry. (In the future these images should be available on Docker Hub or another public registry.) Use the following playbooks from the cicd/playbook directory on the build node to do so.

Note, limited by base image NVIDIA L4T CUDA which only supports arm architecture, so custom service image-app also only supports arm architecture. Other custom services support both arm64 and amd64 architecture.

This command will build local docker images of the custom microservices:


ansible-playbook -i ./hosts push_images.yml

At time of writing this step will also create some workaround images required to enable EdgeX security features in this blueprint's Kubernetes configuration. Hopefully, these images will no longer be needed once fixes have been made upstream.

Starting the Cluster

With the base software installed and configured on the master and edge nodes, the following command executed on the deploy node will start the cluster:


admin@master:~$ kubectl get node
jet03 Ready <none> 3d5h v1.22.9
jet04 Ready <none> 3d5h v1.22.9
master Ready control-plane,master 3d5h v1.22.9

Starting EdgeX

Before starting EdgeX services, you need to do the fllowing configuration first.

  • Modify the file edgex.yml in the deploy/playbook/group_vars/all directory, Set the service to be started as on and the service not to be started as off

After adding the edge nodes to the cluster, the following command will start the EdgeX services on the edge nodes:
