
5pm, Wednesday, Pacific



  • MEC services architecture readout
  • Technical update on EMCO as seed code for PCEI Enabler
  • Development planning approach based on EMCO and Azure IoT Edge
  • Update on GSMA OPG/TEC


  • Meeting recording link: https://zoom.us/rec/share/N8h5fa_18SOFuZ68qyA5CaIiWmIH-HIW_jY4b1t1B4RK3WnY1sENLMgxWT4LG_JZ.j5iNJ_jOBH64B3jx
  • Introduced PCEI architecture to Matt Lehwess
    • Agreed to follow up with Matt on the AWS Edge architecture/services and how it might interwork with PCEI
    • PCEI Enabler will need to support AWS APIs and/or Terraform to provision both the Public Cloud Core (PCC) and Public Cloud Edge (PCE, e.g. Outposts) services, where the PCE services are likely to be provisioned through the PCC interface
    • Oleg Berzin will invite Matt to present on the PCEI call (likely after the US Thanksgiving holiday)
  • Oleg Berzin Introduced draft PCEI Enabler software architecture based on EMCO
  • The figure below shows how EMCO can potentially be used to implement PCEI Enabler functions (solid line boxes are existing EMCO capabilities, dashed-line boxes will need to be developed)
    • API Handler (to be developed) could support MEC Services Interfaces (proposed by Mehmet Toy ), such as Sonata/Legato, as well as GSMA and ETSI defined NBI and MEC interfaces respectively
    • PCC plugins will be required to provision services in the core clouds. These plugins may be based on Terraform or other APIs (e.g. conforming to Sonata/Legato)
    • EMCO can be used to onboard and deploy PCE as well as MNO functions on distributed K8S clusters

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