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Table of Contents


This guide provides instructions for installing and configuring the Smart Data Transaction for CPS blueprint, and also includes recommended hardware and software requirements for the blueprint. The guide describes a minimal installation of the blueprint consisting of a single "master" node and two "edge" nodes, with directions on how the number of nodes can be modified as needed.


Consult the sections under Troubleshooting for commands to debug failures. In particular, using the kubectl commands described in Accessing Logs, and changing the log levels of services using the configuration UI described above, which can change the logging level of running services, can be useful.

Reporting a Bug

<TBD>Contact the Smart Data Transaction for CPS mailing list at to report potential bugs or get assistance with problems.

Uninstall Guide

Stopping EdgeX


This command should be run before stopping the cluster as described in the following section, in order to provide a clean shutdown. It is also possible to re-add the edge nodes using join_cluster.yml, perhaps after editing the configuration in the hosts file.

Stopping Kubernetes

Kubernetes can be stopped by running the following command. Do this after all edge nodes have been removed.

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts reset_cluster.yml --ask-become-pass

Stopping and Clearing the Docker Registry

Uninstalling Software Components

Removing Configuration and Temporary Data


Confirming Node and Service Status

The kubectl command can be used to check the status of most cluster components. kubectl get node will show the health of the master and edge nodes, and kubectl get pod will show the overall status of the EdgeX services. The kubectl describe pod pod-name command can be used to get a more detailed report on the status of a particular pod. The EdgeX configuration UI, described in the section EdgeX Service Configuration UI above, also shows the result of an internal health check of all EdgeX services on the node.

Accessing Logs

The main tool for accessing logs is kubectl logs, run on the master node. This command can be used to show the logs of a running container:

kubectl logs -c container-name pod-name

It can also be used to check the logs of a container which has crashed or stopped:

kubectl logs --previous -c container-name pod-name

And it can be used to stream the logs of a container to a terminal:

kubectl logs -c container-name pod-name -f

The container names can be found in the output of kubectl describe pod or in the edgex/deployments/edgex.yml file (the names of the entries in the containers list).

For the rare cases when the Kubernetes log command does not work, it may be possible to use the docker log command on the node you wish to debug.


Stopping and Restarting EdgeX Services

As described in the Uninstall Guide subsection Stopping EdgeX, the EdgeX services can be stopped and restarted using the edgex_stop.yml and edgex_start.yml playbooks.

Stopping and Restarting the Kubernetes Cluster

Similar to stopping and restarting the EdgeX services, the whole cluster can be stopped and restarted by stopping EdgeX, removing the edge nodes, stopping Kubernetes, starting Kubernetes, adding the edge nodes, and starting EdgeX again:

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts edgex_stop.yml

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts delete_from_cluster.yml

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts reset_cluster.yml --ask-become-pass

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts init_cluster.yml --ask-become-pass

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts join_cluster.yml

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts edgex_start.yml

Adding and Removing Edge Nodes

Updating the Software


If you need to stop the private Docker registry service for some reason, use the following command:

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts stop_registry.yml

With the registry stopped it is possible to remove the registry entirely. This will recover any disk space used by images stored in the registry, but means that pull_upsteam_images.yml, build_images.yml, and push_images.yml will need to be run again.

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts remove_registry.yml

Uninstalling Software Components

Installed software components can be removed with sudo apt remove package-name. See the list of installed software components earlier in this document. Python packages (cryptography and kubernetes) can be removed with the pip uninstall command.

Ansible components installed with ansible-galaxy (community.docker, kubernetes.core, community.crypto) can be removed by deleting the directories under ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections on the deploy node.

Removing Configuration and Temporary Data

This blueprint stores configuration and data in the following places. When uninstalling the software, these folders and files can also be removed, if present, on the master, deploy and edge nodes.

  • Master node:
    • ~/.lfedge
    • /opt/lfedge
    • /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/edge.conf
    • /usr/share/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg
  • Edge node:
    • /opt/lfedge
    • /etc/docker/certs.d/master:5000/registry.crt
    • /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/master.crt
    • /etc/docker/daemon.json
    • /usr/share/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg
  • Deploy node:
    • /etc/profile.d/
    • /usr/local/go
    • ~/edgexfoundry


Confirming Node and Service Status

The kubectl command can be used to check the status of most cluster components. kubectl get node will show the health of the master and edge nodes, and kubectl get pod will show the overall status of the EdgeX services. The kubectl describe pod pod-name command can be used to get a more detailed report on the status of a particular pod. The EdgeX configuration UI, described in the section EdgeX Service Configuration UI above, also shows the result of an internal health check of all EdgeX services on the node.

Accessing Logs

The main tool for accessing logs is kubectl logs, run on the master node. This command can be used to show the logs of a running container:

kubectl logs -c container-name pod-name

It can also be used to check the logs of a container which has crashed or stopped:

kubectl logs --previous -c container-name pod-name

And it can be used to stream the logs of a container to a terminal:

kubectl logs -c container-name pod-name -f

The container names can be found in the output of kubectl describe pod or in the edgex/deployments/edgex.yml file (the names of the entries in the containers list).

For the rare cases when the Kubernetes log command does not work, it may be possible to use the docker log command on the node you wish to debug.


Stopping and Restarting EdgeX Services

As described in the Uninstall Guide subsection Stopping EdgeX, the EdgeX services can be stopped and restarted using the edgex_stop.yml and edgex_start.yml playbooks.

Stopping and Restarting the Kubernetes Cluster

Similar to stopping and restarting the EdgeX services, the whole cluster can be stopped and restarted by stopping EdgeX, removing the edge nodes, stopping Kubernetes, starting Kubernetes, adding the edge nodes, and starting EdgeX again:

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts edgex_stop.yml

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts delete_from_cluster.yml

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts reset_cluster.yml --ask-become-pass

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts init_cluster.yml --ask-become-pass

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts join_cluster.yml

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts edgex_start.yml

Adding and Removing Edge Nodes

Edge nodes can be added an removed by stopping the cluster and editing the deploy/playbook/hosts file. The master_install.yml and edge_install.yml playbooks need to be run again to update /etc/hosts and certificates on any added nodes.

Updating the Software

Running setup_deploy.yml, master_install.yml, and edge_install.yml playbooks can be used to update software packages if necessary. Note that Kubernetes is specified to use version 1.22 to avoid problems that might arise from version instability, but it should be possible to update if so desired.

Rebuilding Custom Services

The custom services can be rebuilt by running the build_images.yml playbook in cicd/playbook. After successfully building a new version of a service, use push_images.yml to push the images to the private Docker registry. The source for the services is found in edgex/sync-app and edgex/device-lora.


The software provided as part of the Smart Data Transaction for CPS blueprint is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
