Versions Compared


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This document describes the blueprint test environment for the Smart Data Transaction for CPS blueprint. The test results and logs are posted in the Akraino Nexus at the link below:Insert link here

Akarino Test Group Information


The test script will start the registry, pull upstream images and populate the registry, clean images left over from the pull process, stop the registry, and remove the registry. The robot command should report success for all test cases.

Test Results

Nexus URL:

Pass (5/5 test cases)

CI/CD Regression Tests: Node Setup


The test scripts will initialize the master and edge nodes and verify the required software is installed. The robot command should report success for all test cases.

Test Results

Nexus URL:

Pass (2/2 test cases)

CI/CD Regression Tests: Cluster Setup & Teardown


The test scripts will start the cluster, add all configured edge nodes, remove the edge nodes, and reset the cluster. The robot command should report success for all test cases.

Test Results

Nexus URL:

Pass (4/4 test cases)

CI/CD Regression Tests: EdgeX Services


The test scripts will start the EdgeX micro-services on all edge nodes, confirm that MQTT messages are being delivered from the edge nodes, and stop the EdgeX micro-services. The robot command should report success for all test cases.

Test Results

Image Removed

Nexus URL:

Image Added

Pass (Pass (8/8 test cases)

CI/CD Regression Tests: LoRa Device Service


The Robot Framework should report success for all test cases.

Test Results

Nexus URL:

Pass (2/2 test cases)

Feature Project Tests


  1. Create directory

    $ mkdir ~/vuls
    $ cd ~/vuls
    $ mkdir go-cve-dictionary-log goval-dictionary-log gost-log

  2. Fetch NVD

    $ docker run --rm -it \
        -v $PWD:/go-cve-dictionary \
        -v $PWD/go-cve-dictionary-log:/var/log/go-cve-dictionary \
        vuls/go-cve-dictionary fetch nvd

  3. Fetch OVAL

    $ docker run --rm -it \
         -v $PWD:/goval-dictionary \
         -v $PWD/goval-dictionary-log:/var/log/goval-dictionary \
         vuls/goval-dictionary fetch ubuntu 16 17 18 19 20

  4. Fetch gost

    $ docker run --rm -i \
         -v $PWD:/gost \
         -v $PWD/gost-log:/var/log/gost \
         vuls/gost fetch ubuntu

  5. Create config.toml

    host = ""
    port = "22"
    user = "test-user"
    sshConfigPathkeyPath   = "/root/.ssh/configid_rsa"
    keyPath = "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" # path to ssh private key in docker

  6. Start vuls container to run tests

    $ docker run --rm -it \
        -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
        -v $PWD:/vuls \
        -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls \
        -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
        -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
        vuls/vuls scan \

  7. Get the report

    $ docker run --rm -it \
         -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
         -v $PWD:/vuls \
         -v $PWD/vuls-log:/var/log/vuls \
         -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
         vuls/vuls report \
         -format-list \


BluVal tests should report success for all test cases.

Test Results

Insert Results URL


There are 17 CVEs with a CVSS score >= 9.0. These are exceptions requested here:

Release 5: Akraino CVE Vulnerability Exception Request


Vuls results (manual) Nexus URL: https://


Lynis results (manual) Nexus URL:

Kube-Hunter results Nexus URL:


Nexus URL:

There are 17 CVEs with a CVSS score >= 9.0. These are exceptions requested here:

Release 6: Akraino CVE and KHV Vulnerability Exception Request

CVE-2016-15859.8 fix available
CVE-2021-202369.8 fix available (latest release of ZeroMQ for Ubuntu 20.04 is 4.3.2-2ubuntu1)
CVE-2021-318709.8 fix available (latest release of klibc for Ubuntu 20.04 is 2.0.7-1ubuntu5)
CVE-2021-318729.8 fix available (latest release of klibc for Ubuntu 20.04 is 2.0.7-1ubuntu5)
CVE-2021-318739.8 fix available (latest release of klibc for Ubuntu 20.04 is 2.0.7-1ubuntu5)
CVE-2021-335749.8 not be fixed in Ubuntu stable releases
CVE-2021-459519.8 fix available (vendor disputed)
CVE-2021-459529.8 fix available (vendor disputed)
CVE-2021-459539.8 fix available (vendor disputed)
CVE-2021-459549.8 fix available (vendor disputed)
CVE-2021-459559.8 fix available (vendor disputed)
CVE-2021-459569.8 fix available (vendor disputed)
CVE-2021-459579.8 fix available (vendor disputed)
CVE-2022-232189.8 fixed in 2.31-0ubuntu9.7 (installed), but still reported by VulsNo fix available (vendor disputed)
CVE-2022-23218232199.8 fixed in 2.31-0ubuntu9.7 (installed), but still reported by Vuls
CVE-2016-91809.1 fix available
CVE-2021-359422022-232199.81 fixed in 2.31-0ubuntu9.7 (installed), but still reported by VulsCVE-2016-91809.1

Nexus URL (run via Bluval, without fixes): https://




Nexus URL (manual run, with fixes): https://




The initial results compare with the Lynis Incubation: PASS/FAIL Criteria, v1.0 as follows.


1Test: Checking PASS_MAX_DAYS option in /etc/login.defs

Result: password minimum age is not configured

Suggestion: Configure minimum password age in /etc/login.defs [test:AUTH-9286]

Set PASS_MAX_DAYS 180 in /etc/login.defs
2Performing test ID AUTH-9328 (Default umask values)

Result: found umask 022, which could be improved

Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/login.defs could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]

Set UMASK 027 in /etc/login.defs
3Performing test ID SSH-7440 (Check OpenSSH option: AllowUsers and AllowGroups)

Result: SSH has no specific user or group limitation. Most likely all valid users can SSH to this machine.

Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (0 of 1).

Configure AllowUsers in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
4Test: checking for file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate

Test: checking for file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate

Result: file /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate does not exist


Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (3).

5Performing test ID KRNL-6000 (Check sysctl key pairs in scan profile) :  Following sub-tests requiredN/AN/A
5asysctl key fs.suid_dumpable contains equal expected and current value (0)Result: sysctl key fs.suid_dumpable has a different value than expected in scan profile. Expected=0, Real=2

Set recommended value in /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf and disable apport in /etc/default/apport

5bsysctl key kernel.dmesg_restrict contains equal expected and current value (1)Result: sysctl key kernel.dmesg_restrict has a different value than expected in scan profile. Expected=1, Real=0Set recommended value in /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.conf
5csysctl key net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route contains equal expected and current value (0)

Result: sysctl key net.inetipv4.ip.sourceroute does not exist on this machine


Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (1)

conf.default.accept_source_route has a different value than expected in scan profile. Expected=0, Real=1

Set recommended value in /etc/sysctl.d/90-lynis-hardening.confOK
6Test: Check if one or more compilers can be found on the system

Result: found installed compiler. See top of logfile which compilers have been found or use /usr/bin/grep to filter on 'compiler'

Hardening: assigned partial number of hardening points (1 of 3).

Uninstall gcc and remove /usr/bin/as (installed with binutils)


kernel.dmesg_restrict 1 kernel.dmesg_restrict 1
1Test: Checking PASS_MAX_DAYS option in /etc/login.defs

Result: max password age is 180 days
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (3).

2Performing test ID AUTH-9328 (Default umask values)

Result: umask is 027, which is fine
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (2).

3Performing test ID SSH-7440 (Check OpenSSH option: AllowUsers and AllowGroups)

Result: SSH is limited to a specific set of users, which is good
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (2).

5asysctl key fs.suid_dumpable fs.suid_dumpable contains equal expected and current value (0)Result: sysctl key fs.suid_dumpable contains equal expected and current value (0)
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (1).
5bsysctl key kernel.dmesg_restrict contains equal expected and current value (01)Result: sysctl key fskernel.suiddmesg_dumpable restrict contains equal expected and current value (01)
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (1).5b
5csysctl key net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route contains equal expected and current value (0)

Result: sysctl key

net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route contains equal expected and current value (


Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (1).

6Test: Check if one or more compilers can be found on the system

Result: no compilers found
Hardening: assigned maximum number of hardening points for this item (3).

The post-fix manual logs can be found at insert nexus link here


Nexus URL (with fixes):

Image Modified

There are 5 Vulnerabilities.


*One Kube-Hunter failure is counted as a pass. See above. 

Vuls and Lynis test cases are failing, an exception request is filed for Vuls-detected vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed. The Lynis results have been confirmed to pass the Incubation criteria.

Additional Testing

None at this time.
