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- The available labs and their silos (i.e. which silo is used by a lab in order to store results in Nexus) for blueprint validation execution are defined by the corresponding lab owners stored in mariadb (look at the Database subsection). It is their responsibility to publish them. Currently, this data is statically stored in the blueprint validation UI mariadb database. In order for a lab owner's responsibility to update them , he/her must update the corresponding table entries. This inconvenience will be handled in the future.using the UI.
This prerequisite concerns only both the partial and the full control loop modemodes.

- The available timeslots for blueprint validation execution of every lab are defined by the corresponding lab owners stored in the mariadb (look at the Database subsection). It is their responsibility to publish them. Currently, this data is statically stored in the blueprint validation UI mariadb database. In order for a lab owner to update them, he/her must update the corresponding table entries. This inconvenience will be handled in the future.the lab owner's responsibility to update them using the UI.
This prerequisite concerns only the full control loop mode.

- The data of available blueprints (i.e. blueprint name) is stored in the mariadb database (look at the Database subsection). This data is automatically updated by the UI using info from Nexus. If a blueprint owner's is not satisfied with this info, he/her must update it using the corresponding table entriesUI.
This prerequisite concerns only the full control loop mode.

- The data of an available blueprint instance for validation (i.e. version and layer) is stored in the mariadb database (look at the Database subsection). This data is automatically updated by the UI using info from Nexus. If a blueprint owner's is not satisfied with this info, he/her must update it using the corresponding table entriesUI.
This prerequisite concerns only the full control loop mode.


- lab (here every lab owner should store the name of the lab and the silo used for storing results in Nexus)
- timeslot (here every lab owner should register the available timeslots that can be used for blueprint validation test execution)
- blueprint_layer (here all the blueprint layers should be registered. These layers will be referenced by the blueprint instances)
- blueprint (here every blueprint owner should register the name of the blueprint)
- blueprint_instance_for_validation (here every blueprint owner should register the blueprint instances for validation, i.e. version and layer)
- blueprint_instance_blueprint_layer (here the many-to-many relationship between blueprint instances and layers is formulated)

- blueprint_instance_timeslot (here, the many-to-many relationship between blueprint instances and timeslots is formulated)

As it has been already mentioned, a user can perform CRUD operations on these tables using the UI. Also, all these tables except from lab and timeslot are initialized and updated automatically
As it has been already mentioned, these tables are initialized automatically by the UI by fetching data from Nexus. It is the lab owners responsibility to update them if a modifications is needed (especially the data related to lab and timeslot tables).

An example of data initialization is stored in the following fileHowever, a user may wish to extend or change this data (for example a new blueprint has been created and no results have been pushed to Nexus yet). To this end, the following file can be used (that's why the command 'mysql -p<MARIADB_AKRAINO_PASSWORD> -uakraino -h <IP of the mariadb container> < ../../ui/db-scripts/examples/initialize_db_example.sql' has been used previously):



id:1, lab:'att', silo:'att-blu-val'

id:1 , start date and time: 'now', duration: null, lab: 1

Blueprint layers:
id:1, layer: 'hardware';

id: 2 , blueprint_name : 'rec'

Blueprint Instances:
id: 2, Instances:
id: 2, blueprint_id: 2 (i.e. rec), version: "master"

blueprint_id: 2 (i.e. rec), version: "master"layer_id: 1 (i.e. hardware)

blueprintinstance_id: 2 (i.e. rec), layertimeslot_id: 1 (i.e. hardwarenow in att lab)

It should be noted that currently the start date and time and the duration of the timeslot are not taken into account by the UI (see limitation section). Therefore, a user should define 'now' and null respectively for their content.

Based on this data, the UI enables the user to select an appropriate blueprint instance for validationuser to select an appropriate blueprint instance for validation.

In the following lines it is explained how a user can update database using the mysql tool. However, it is advised that UI should be used for this purpose as it supports a more user-friendly way.

For example, if a user wants to define a new lab with the following data:


Furthermore, if a user wants to define a new blueprint, namely "newBlueprint", and a new an instance of this blueprint with the following data: version




and layer


"k8s" and assign a timeslot to it, the following file should be created:


use akraino;
insert into blueprint (id, blueprint_name) values(3, 'newBlueprint');
insert into blueprint_instance (id, blueprint_id, version) values(3, 3, 'master');
insert into blueprint_layer (id, layer) values(4, 'k8s');
insert into blueprint_instance_blueprint_layer (blueprint_instance_id, blueprint_layer_id) values(3, 4);

insert into blueprint_instance_timeslot (blueprint_instance_id, timeslot_id) values(3, 2);

Then, the following command should be executed:

...<lab_silo>/bluval_results/<Blueprint name>/<Blueprint version>/<timestamp>/results/<layer>/<name_of_the_test_suite>


Below, an example URL is illustrated

Moreover, the results should be stored in the 'output.xml' file and placed in the aforementioned URL using the following format:
