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Pre-Installation Requirements for REC Cluster


The REC installer will configure NTP and DNS using the parameters entered in the user_config.yaml. 

However, the network must be configured for the REC cluster to be able to  access the NTP and DNS servers prior to the install.


REC configuration is flexible, but there are dependencies: e.g. using dpdk requires networking profile with ovs-dpdk type,

performance profile with cpu pinning & hugepages and performance profile link on compute node. 

Please keep that in mind when creating your user_config.yaml


Note:  You have better chance at creating a working yaml by editing an existing file rather the starting from scratch.

  1. lab lab.yaml

This file contains details regarding your cluster size, hardware (including rack layout), server names and ip addresses.

2. user_config.yaml

This file contains more granular details for your REC cluster such as required network cidrs, usernames, passwords, 

DNS and NTP server ip addresses, etc.


Enter the external ip address with CIDR for controller-1:                          

Enter the gateway ip address for the external ip address just entered:         

Enter the VLAN number:                                                                                                         141

The installation will check the link and connectivity of the IP addresses entered.


Go to your RC or jump server and scp (or sftp) your user_config.yaml to controller-1’s /etc/userconfig directory using .

initial credentials: root/root.

scp user_config.yaml root@<controller-1 ip address>/etc/userconfig/


You may monitor the CaaS deployment by tailing the logs in /srv/deployment/log/.

There are two log files:



tail -f /srv/deployment/log/cm.log

tail -f /srv/deployment/logbootstrap.log

Note:  When the deployment to all the nodes has completed, “controller-1” will reboot automatically.


You need to establish an ssh connection to the controller’s VIP address and log in login with administrative user rights.

Example Needed

  1. Verify Deployment Success.

Enter the following command:

tail /srv/deployment/log/bootstrap.log

You should see: Installation complete, Installation Succeeded.

2. Confirm active state of required services

Enter the following commands:

systemctl status --no-pager docker.



systemctl status --no-pager kubelet.service


systemctl status --no-pager docker.service* docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine  

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)  

Active: active (running)    


3. Verify node functionality

Enter the following commands:

kubectl get no --no-headers | grep -v Ready

Output:  The command output shows nothing.

kubectl get no --no-headers | wc -l

Output:  The command output shows the number of CaaS nodes.

4. Verify Components

Enter the following command:

kubectl get po --no-headers --namespace=kube-system --field-selector status.phase!=Running

Output:  The command output shows nothing.

5. Confirm Package Manager Status (Helm)

  • Docker registry is running, and images can be downloaded:

image=$(docker images -f 'reference=*/rec/hypercube' --format="{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}"); docker rmi $image; docker pull $image


Output:  Status: Downloaded newer image for …

  • Chart repository is up and running:  (The curl command below is really one line.)

curl -sS -XGET --cacert /etc/chart-repo/ssl/ca.pem --cert /etc/chart-repo/ssl/chart-repo?.pem

--key /etc/chart-repo/ssl/chart-repo?-key.pem


Output:  output is a yaml file.

  • Helm is able to run a sample application:

helm list


Output:  rec-infra.

Deployment Failures

Sometimes failures happen, usually do to misconfigurations or incorrect addresses entered.


Note:  In some cases, modifications to the user_config.yaml may be necessary to resolve a failure.  If 

If re-deployment is not possible, then the deployment will need to be started from booting to the REC.iso, see Accessing REC.ISO