Platform Abstraction for SECurity (PARSEC) is a micro-service that provides a client library with security APIs that map to various security primitives from any hardware based or software-based source. These APIs are optimized for cloud native development and available in several popular languages. The best part - these libraries are open source and can be expanded as needed. PARSEC also provides a framework to enable multi-tenancy security so that multiple applications can use the monolithic hardware security capabilities of a device.

PARSEC is a CNCF sandbox project.    The independently managed review process provided by the CNCF ensures transparency with our partners.   Join us as Parsec continues to evolve with new features.  

For the latest information on Parsec join the bi-weekly community calls and signup on the Slack channel. 

All details can be found on the PARSEC GitHub page: where a full description of the project is posted. 

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