Akraino Security Sub-Committee Meeting Agenda 9/14/2020


  • Randy Stricklin
  • Wenhui Zhang
  • Tina Tsou
  • Daniil Egranov


  • Akraino Technical Fall Meeting: Virtual 9/23-9/24
  • Open Network & Edge Summit (ONES): Virtual 9/28-9/30
  • Review Accomplishments and Goals slide for the Fall Akraino conference
  • 9/21 Roberto Paccapeli from Intel will provide a tutorial on Elisa safety standards of code
  • Discuss more about platform level security.
  • PARSEC (Platform Abstraction for Security)
  • CI, Blueprint Validation Lab Sub-Committee Requirements
    • Enforcement of Static Code Analysis through SonarCloud (SaaS), WIP LF Release Engineering & Security Subcommittee. (Note: This is an optional requirement for Incubation self certified and mandatory for Maturity)
  • OS level vulnerabilities: bartdong@tencent.com
  • No labels