
  • Motivation: improve customer access and knowledge for blueprint projects. Consistent and well-organized APIs with baseline information will increase Akraino adoption

  • All project APIs will be organized and published on the API map page of the Akraino API Portal.  The API Portal will include both API map navigation and search capability, to allow customers to investigate APIs they may need

  • In addition to blueprint projects' mandatory baseline API info, optional information about (a) telco network interface APIs, and (b) Kubernetes environment APIs info will be collected. This will be used to support one-stop API presentation, analysis, comparison, finding similar APIs, and sandbox/sample code
  • The TSC has asked the API subcommittee to identify commonality between APIs, and possibly identify a “base” set of Akraino edge computing APIs. This is future work, under discussion
  • This page contains API info for Releases R4-R6​, in reverse chronological order (i.e. most recent first)

Who should fill in the API requirements form

  • Akraino blueprint project PTLs should fill in the API info form, as a mandatory requirement for releases R4, R5, and R6


Below are instructions for API information gathering:

  1. Download the API information form (Click to download) or you can use this link to fill out then download the form from Google Drive. 
  2. Follow steps below to fill in the API info form
  3. Upload the form (link takes you to list of uploaded forms, below that is a drag and drop / browse area for uploading forms)
  4. The API subcommittee will review inputs and verify links. PTLs can check the results in the TSC Release 6 planning table (or previously TSC Release 5 planning table or TSC Release 4 planning table)

You can select API categories by choosing values from drop down lists embedded in the Excel spreadsheet. If you believe your project API doesn't fit existing categories, please explain in the "Comments" field and specify how your project APIs would be better categorized. 

    • Additional information of any type may be added to the "Comments" field. Don't hesitate to let us know why specific APIs are fundamental / important to your project. 
    • Please double check all links that you've filled in the form, and make sure they link to the latest version of your project.
    • If you have no relevant APIs exported or consumed, please explain why this is the case in the Comments field.


Click here for KubeEdge Edge Service BP API Information Form Example 


Uploaded API Info Forms


  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info-KubeEdge.xlsx Oct 06, 2020 by Jiafeng Zhu
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info-MicroMEC.xlsx Initial version, edited with Libreoffice. Oct 26, 2020 by Ferenc Székely
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_RadioEdgeCloud.xlsx Nov 02, 2020 by Paul Carver
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_AI_Edge_Federated_ML.xlsx Nov 11, 2020 by Julie Han
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Predictive_Maintenance.xlsx Nov 27, 2020 by V S
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_ICN_API_Info.xlsx Nov 29, 2020 by Kuralamudhan Ramakrishnan
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_ELIOT-uCPE.xlsx Dec 06, 2020 by khemendra kumar
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_NetworkCloudWithTF.xlsx Dec 09, 2020 by Sukhdev Kapur
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_smartnic.xlsx Dec 11, 2020 by yihui wang
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_ELIOT-IOT-Gateway.xlsx Dec 11, 2020 by khemendra kumar
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Predictive_Maintenance_rev.xlsx Dec 18, 2020 by V S
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_PCEI_R4.xlsx Jan 04, 2021 by Oleg Berzin
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_IEC_Type_4.xlsx Jan 12, 2021 by Bart Dong
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_CVB.xlsx Jan 12, 2021 by Tao Wang
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_IEC TYPE3(Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family).xlsx Feb 01, 2021 by hanyu ding
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_IEC TYPE3(Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family).xlsx Feb 01, 2021 by hanyu ding
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_IEC TYPE3(Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family).xlsx Feb 01, 2021 by hanyu ding
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_AI Edge_Video Security Monitoring.xlsx Feb 02, 2021 by Hechun Zhang
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_PrivateLTE5GICN.xlsx Feb 04, 2021 by Prem Sankar G
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info.xlsx Feb 21, 2021 by Hao Zhongwang
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation System API_Info.xlsx Feb 21, 2021 by Hao Zhongwang
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_Multitenant_Secure_Cloud_Native_Platform.xlsx May 24, 2021 by Salvador Fuentes
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet .xlsx Jul 23, 2021 by Jeff Brower
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_KNI_PAE.xlsx Aug 16, 2021 by Ricardo Noriega
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_KNI_IE.xlsx Aug 16, 2021 by Ricardo Noriega
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_EALTEdge.xlsx Aug 20, 2021 by khemendra kumar
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Type 2.xlsx Sep 08, 2021 by ashvin kumar
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet api-info-akraino - release 5-1 (v1).xlsx Sep 22, 2021 by Asif Mehmood
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_IEC_Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family-Ampere.xlsx Sep 28, 2021 by Rajeev Gadgil
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Federated Multi-Access Edge Cloud Platform BP API_Info.xlsx Oct 14, 2021 by Deepak Vij
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Smart Data Transaction for CPS_R6_API_Info.xlsx Mar 15, 2022 by Colin Peters
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_Robot_basic_architecture_based_on_SSES.xlsx Mar 18, 2022 by Inoue Reo
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_Cassini.xlsx Apr 23, 2022 by Jason Wen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info_IEC Type 3 Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family-20220428.xlsx Apr 28, 2022 by Davy Zhang
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet api-info-akraino - release 6-1 (v1).xlsx Jun 15, 2022 by Asif Mehmood
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Akraino_API_Info-CFN (Computing Force Network) Ubiquitous Computing Force Scheduling.xlsx Jan 29, 2023 by hanyu ding

R7 API Information Collection and Review Status

Note – updates in this table are made by API subcommittee members only. PTLs should fill out the spreadsheet above, and then upload under "Uploaded API Info Forms" above.


R5 Project Names

API Subcommittee member assignment







Kural sent e-mail saying no changes for "ICN Blueprint R6 release" but not specifying which ICN BPs



Info for ELIOT IOTGateway APIs:










5G MEC/Slice System to Support Cloud Gaming, HD Video and Live Broadcasting Blueprint

Feng Yang









Note - PCEI Blueprint R6 API documentation located here (as of ):














Robot Basic Architecture Based on SESS

Fukano Haruhisa



R7 API Review Meeting Minutes

R6 API Information Collection and Review Status

Note – updates in this table are made by API subcommittee members only. PTLs should fill out the spreadsheet above, and then upload under "Uploaded API Info Forms" above.


R5 Project Names

API Subcommittee member assignment





No API changes expected from R5, per Bart Dong in TSC meeting . Waiting for e-mail from Bart to confirm this



Kural sent e-mail saying no changes for "ICN Blueprint R6 release" but not specifying which ICN BPs



No API changes from R5, per e-mail from Salvador Fuentes Jeff updated the R6 planning table page and cc'd Kural and TSC  


No API changes from R5, per e-mail from Khemendra Kumar

Info for ELIOT IOTGateway APIs:


No API changes from R5, per e-mail from Khemendra Kumar  








No API changes expected from R5, per Liya Yu in TSC meeting . Waiting for e-mail from Liya to confirm this.

Confirmed in e-mail sent by Liya  


No API changes from R5, per e-mail from ZhuMing Zhang  


5G MEC/Slice System to Support Cloud Gaming, HD Video and Live Broadcasting Blueprint

Feng Yang


No API changes from R5, per e-mail from Eagan Fu  




No API changes expected from R5, per Leo Li in TSC meeting . Waiting for e-mail from Leo to confirm this

Leo confirmed by e-mail  



No API changes from R5, per e-mail from Khemendra Kumar



Revised API info form sent to Oleg per his requirements (see API Subcommittee meeting minutes for details)

Note - PCEI Blueprint R6 API documentation located here (as of ):



No changes from R5, per e-mail from HaiHui Wang  






No API changes expected from R5, per TSC meeting discussion . Waiting for e-mail from Jason or Jack to confirm this.

Update - API form uploaded by Jason , scheduled for review at API subcommittee meeting  

Approved by API subcommittee at weekly meeting



No API changes from R5, per e-mail from Muhammad Hamza  




Per e-mail from Colin Peters  , blueprint consumes Kubernetes and EdgeX APIs

API info form uploaded  

Scheduled for review by API subcommitte 

API info form reviewed and approved during API subcommittee meeting  


Robot Basic Architecture Based on SESS

Fukano Haruhisa


Per e-mail from Inoue Reo blueprint does not export or consume APIs

API info form uploaded by Inoue Reo , scheduled for API subcommittee review  

Reviewed and approved by API subcommittee

They are uploading an API info form indicating no APIs, along with comments about possible future API usage  

R6 API Review Meeting Minutes

R5 API Information Collection and Review Status

Note – updates in this table are made by API subcommittee members only. PTLs should fill out the spreadsheet above, and then upload under "Uploaded API Info Forms" above.


R5 Project Names

API Subcommittee member assignment



1BrowerPer notice from WANG Tao (Tucker Wang), no changes from R4
2BrowerPer e-mail from Bart 7Sep21, no changes from R4

4BrowerPer notice from Kural 5Aug21, no change from R4
5ICN - Multi-Tenant Secure Cloud Native Platform

Salvador Fuentes


API form uploaded 24 May

e-mail questions exchanged 20Jul21

Scheduled for review by API subcommittee  

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted  

Ike asked about OpenAPI compliance. PTL indicates gRPC fits their needs and no plans for future OpenAPI compliance

6BrowerPer e-mail from Khemendra 26Aug21, no changes from R4
7BrowerPer e-mail from Khemendra 26Aug21, no changes from R4

Network Cloud and TF (Tungsten Fabric) Integration Project

Sukhdev Kapur


Per e-mail from Sukhdev 5Aug21, no change from R4

Per e-mail from Ricardo 10Aug21, he uploaded R5 API info forms for both KNI blueprints, with no substantive changes from R4. The API subcommittee has a review scheduled for of the new API info forms and will update this table afterwards

Ricardo notes "the only difference with their previous R4 API form is they are now using:

- Kubernetes 1.20 instead of 1.18
- OpenShift 4.7 instead of 4.5

(OpenShift is Kubernetes, so both versions are correlated)"


See above note

11Micro MEC
Ferenc Székely

Per e-mail from Liya Yu 21Sep21, no changes from R4



Tina mentioned during API subcommittee meeting   there is no change to API info for the I-VICS blueprint. Sent e-mail 27Aug21 to Sihui Wang and Simmy Zhang to confirm.

Confirmed by Sihui in e-mail 30Aug21


5G MEC/Slice System to Support Cloud Gaming, HD Video and Live Broadcasting Blueprint

Feng Yang

BrowerPer e-mail from Eagan Fu 15Aug21, no change from R4

API info form uploaded , API subcommittee review scheduled for  

API info form reviewed

According to API info form, no APIs offered or consumed, as the Blueprint constructs and provides an Android cloud run-time environment for user applications. Suggest to ask a few questions on TSC call and verify our understanding.

IEC Type 5: SmartNIC for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family

yihui wang


Per e-mail from Leo (li@socnoc.ai) 11Aug21, no change from R4Per Tina, Yihui Wang stepped down as PTL. They will hold a PTL election soon


Per e-mail from Khemendra 20Aug21, no changes from R4

Khemendra notes they upgraded the upstream project (Edge Gallery version 1.1 from 0.9 version) and have uploaded an updated API form with API document and definition links for EdgeGallery version 1.1



Per API Subcommittee meeting 30Jul21, no change from R4



19BrowerPer e-mail from Zifan 8Aug21, no change from R4



Per e-mail from Prem 31Jul21, no "new features/bugs". Per e-mail from Prem 27Aug21, confirmed no new API changes

see notes in R4 table below


Smart Cities

Olivier Bernard Cindy Xing Jason Wen Jack Liu

Alexander Su (alexander@nexcom.com)


API info form uploaded to API subcommittee page , and currently under review, with email questions pending to blueprint team before voting to approve this blueprint as part of R5 "Batch 2" blueprints. Approved informally .

Smart Cities R5 API Document

API info form uploaded by Asif , scheduled for review by API Subcommittee

Reviewed completed and info accepted


Ashvin Kumar uploaded API info form. API subcommittee review scheduled for

Review completed and info accepted

The form was originally uploaded 27Aug21 but had a file corruption issue


Federated Multi-Access Edge Cloud Platform

Deepak Vij


Per e-mail , Deepak is in process of uploading API info form

Form uploaded , scheduled for API subcommittee review

API info reviewed and approved by API subcommittee . The subcommittee e-mailed Deepak asking to attend 29Oct meeting and give more explanation about ETSI MEC interfaces in their Blueprint

Wiki page with API info:

R5 API Document

R5 API Review Meeting Minutes

R4 API Information Collection and Review Status

Note – updates in this table are made by API subcommittee members only. PTLs should fill out the spreadsheet above, and then upload under "Uploaded API Info Forms" above.


R4 Project Names

API Subcommittee member assignment




Jiafeng Zhu

Email sent: 10/10 


Form uploaded 15Dec

Scheduled for review by API subcommittee 21Dec 6:00p PST (22Dec 10:00a CST)

Review discussion: BP will add PaaS APIs, re-upload form

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted

2Jane Shen

First round email exchange on 12/09 with instruction link sent.

Form uploaded

Scheduled for review by API subcommittee 21Dec 6:00p PST (22Dec 10:00a CST)

Review discussion: BP will add PaaS APIs, re-upload form

API subcommittee review completed and info accepte


Jane Shen

Email sent: 10/15

Form uploaded

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted


Jiafeng Zhu

Jane Shen

Form uploaded

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted

BP reviewed on TSC 16 Dec. 

API Sub committee 12/4/2020 meeting minutes

Slides presented with API related info:


Jiafeng Zhu

Email sent: 10/10 and 10/15 

Try to join their weekly meeting, but none was in the meeting

Participated ELIOT weekly meeting 10/21, and demonstrated how to fill out the API Info Form

Form uploaded

Review completed during API subcommittee meeting 11Dec

BP reviewed on TSC 16 Dec. 


Jiafeng Zhu

Email sent: 10/10 and 10/15 

Try to join their weekly meeting, but none was in the meeting

Participated ELIOT weekly meeting 10/21, and demonstrated how to fill out the API Info Form

Review completed during API subcommittee meeting 11Dec

BP reviewed on TSC 16 Dec. 


Jeff Brower

Form uploaded

Scheduled for review at API subcommittee meeting 18Dec

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted


Jane Shen 

Form uploaded

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted


Jane Shen

Form uploaded

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted


Jane Shen

Email sent: 10/15

Email received

Form uploaded  

API subcommittee review scheduled for  

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted

11Jeff Brower (assignment transferred from Jiafeng Zhu 13Jan21)

Hechun replied by e-mail 12Jan, form is in progress

Form uploaded  

API subcommittee review scheduled for

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted

12Jeff Brower (assignment transferred from Jiafeng Zhu 13Jan21)

Email sent 2Feb20 Hechun and Liya Yu, and 9Feb20 Hechun and Zhongwan Hao

Form uploaded  

API subcommittee review scheduled for 

API Subcommittee completed and info accepted  


5G MEC/Slice System to Support Cloud Gaming, HD Video and Live Broadcasting Blueprint

Feng Yang

Jane Shen

Email sent: 10/15

Form uploaded  

Reviewed by API subcommittee

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted


IEC Type 3: Android cloud native applications on Arm servers in edge for Integrated Edge Cloud (IEC) Blueprint Family

hanyu ding

Jeff Brower
(assignment transferred from Jane Shen 15Jan21)

E-mail discussion 21Jan, they have no APIs consumed or exported but still need to fill out the form with BP name and explain current and future API status in the comments

Form uploaded , reviewed by API subcommittee

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted


Jeff Brower

Jiafeng sent e-mail 27Oct, Yihui replied 28Oct

Form uploaded

Scheduled for review by API subcommittee 21Dec 6:00p PST (22Dec 10:00a CST)

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted


Jane Shen

Email sent: 10/15; replied

Form received by e-mail

Form uploaded

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted


Jane Shen

Email sent: 10/15

Form uploaded on 4Jan21

Scheduled for review at API subcommittee meeting  

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted

18Jane Shen

Form uploaded

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted

19Jeff Brower (assignment transferred from Jiafeng Zhu 13Jan21)

Form uploaded

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted


Ike Alisson
(assignment transferred from Neal Oliver 15Jan21)

Have not joined their group meeting yet, as it is a double-conflict in meeting schedule. Will attempt to work with them offline.

Received response email. Still need to follow up.....

Prem replied by e-mail 12Jan, form is in progress

Form uploaded  

API subcommittee review scheduled for

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted

TSC Meeting Presentation, Feb2021

Jeff Brower

Form uploaded

Scheduled for review by API subcommittee 11Dec

Review completed during BP project meeting 11Dec. Updated API info form will be uploaded by V S

Form uploaded by V S on 18 Dec, will be reviewed by API subcommittee on 8 Jan

API subcommittee review completed and info accepted  

Info received from BP technical members, and Jeff and Jane have attended their weekly meetings to understand their architecture and project API usage. Jeff has created an architecture diagram showing API, CLI, and GUI interfaces. An R4 release review meeting for the BP is scheduled for 9 Dec (Jeff will attend).

ELIOT AIoT in Smart Office

Jiafeng Zhu

Email sent: 10/10 and 10/15 

This BP is not showing in the R4 Release Planning page

R4 API Review Meeting Minutes

Here are R4 BP API review meeting minutes.

  • No labels


  1. The Excel sheet seems to be editable only on Windows and on Excel. I tried opening it on Google Docs and that did not work. Ferenc opened it with LibreOffice, same result.

    Doing our best to fill it in somehow.

  2. Tapio Tallgren Ferenc Tóth Thanks for your comments, I created a Google Doc sheet, you can fill out the form in Google Doc, download it to your local, then upload it to this page. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSbL0gDGuv1avvNSNTdpkeVP1yY-KDIjTYD_xPEIeQMMPxIu61S37ZYwr0nfyCco89EK6ikCATAjolW/pubhtml . You may find those dropdown lists are not working in Google Sheet. It is because MS Excel Macros are disabled when we transfer the form to Google Sheet. However, You can still use the API categories' image as your references. Please let me know if you encounter any difficulties. 

  3. Thanks Kural  ... can you include the link ?

  4. For uploaded for ELIOT IOT-Gateway and uCPE BP

  5. This is the ICN (Integrated Cloud Native) slides link (thanks Kuralamudhan Ramakrishnan). khemendra kumar I still need a link to your ELIOT IOT Gateway slides

  6. PCEI R4 API Spreadsheet has been uploaded for the API sub-committee review  

  7. Thanks Oleg. We have PCEI scheduled for tomorrow (Fri) review at API subcommittee meeting

  8. API info for IoT Workloads at the Smart Device Edge (Predictive Maintenance) BP accepted. Good job guys ! IoT will be well presented in the updated version of the Akraino API Map, due out by end of January